where more common and are apparently in- creasing. Dr. Bishop read some interesting notes from Carmel and Santa Barbara, and Mr. Howell told of recent experiences in the San Gabriel Mountains, at Camp Baldy. Ad- journed.--L. E. WYMAN, ecretary. MARCH.--The regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornith- ological Club was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art on the evening of March 27, 1919. The business meeting was preceded by an exhibition of lantern slides, .made by the autochrome method by Mr. Donald R. Dickey, whose remarkable skill in the handling of difficult subjects and a difficult method was greatly appreciated. The audience consisted of members, their families and friends, to the number of forty or more. Minutes of the February meeting were read and approved. On motlon by Mr. Law, seconded by Mr. Chambers, the Secretary was instructed to cast an electing l/allot for the applicants whose names were presented at the previous meetlng. New names sub- mitted were: Donald C. Meadows, Orange, by Wright M. Pierce; H. O. Parks, Willcox, Ariz., by A. P. Smith; Nephi Reynolds, Salt Lake Clty, Utah, and G. Raymond Walker, Murry, Utah, by A. O. Treganza; John Alden Shepard, Salt Lake City, Utah, by Mrs. A. O. Treganza; also three names from the North- ern Division. The matter of participation In the coming meeting of the Pacific Division of the Amer- ican Association for the Advancement of Science was again brought before the mem- bers. On motion by Mr. Law, seconded by Mr. Wlllett, it was expressed as the sense of the meeting that the Cooper Club should co- operate with the Western Society of Natur- allsts in representation at these meetings. Dr. Esterly moved that this Division con- cur with the Northern Division in the mat- ter of a depository for Cooper Club property in the shape of notebooks and manuscripts, In that these should properly be placed in care of the business managers. Motion sec- onded by Willett and carried. A letter from Miss Mary Mann Miller, expressing appreciation of the resolution on the death of her mother, Olive Thorne Mil- ler, was read. Adjourned.--L. E. WYMAS, ecretary. INTER-MOUNTAIN CHAPTER JAUARY.--After a long period of enforced inactivity, the Inter-Mountain Chapter of the Cooper Ornithological Club held a business meeting on January 8, 1919, at which time new officers were elected as follows: Presi- dent, John Sugden; Vice-president, A.D. Boyle; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. A. O. Treganza. The evening was spent in a gen- eral discussion of bird legislation. After its 'first inception, in 1912, the Utah Audubon Society lay 'dormant. A meeting was called January 2, 1919, at which time officers were elected. Most of the trustees, officers and members being Cooper Club members, it was voted to hold the meetings of the Utah Audu- bon Society in conjunction with the Cooper Club. Adjourned.--MRs. A. O. TREGANZA, ecretary. FEURUARY.--The Inter-Mountain Chapter of the Cooper Ornithological Club met Feb- ruary 12, 1919, in the reading room of the Deseret Gymnasium. Eight members and nine visitors were in attendance. President Sugden presided. Dr. D. Moore Lindsay gave a most interesting talk upon the birds of the English and Irish coasts and of Greenland. Roosevelt, the naturalist, was depicted by A. O. Treganza. After the program, the busi- ness of the meeting was taken up. Ad- journed.-MRs. A. O. TREGAZA, Secretary. MARCH.--The Inter-Mountain Chapter of the Cooper Ornithological Club met March 12, 1919,. at 8 P.M., in the reading room of the Deseret Gymnasium. Prof. J. H. Paul presided. Nine members and two visitors were in attendance. Nephi Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shepard were new mem- bers welcomed into the club. Prof. J. H. Paul gave a splendid talk on "Bird Neigh- bors", also exhibiting many skins of local birds. A review of Beebe's book, "The Bird", was begun by Ashby D. Boyle. Ad- journment left this topic to be continued at next meeting. Adjourned.--MRs. A. O. TRE- GANZA, ecretaJ. DIRECTORY OF MEMBERS OF THE COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB Revised to May 1, 1919 Residence in California unless otherwise stated. Year following address indicates date of election; year in parenthesis indi- cates date honorary member Joined the Club. Star preceding name indicates life member. HONORARY MMBIRS Allen, Dr. J. A., Amer. Museum Nat. Hist., New York, N.Y. 1910. Henshaw, H. W., Biol. Survey, Washington, D.C. 1909.