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Ma 1919 .

MINUTES Ol!' COOPER CLUB METIXG9 133 Wythe. The visitors present were Mr. Cx, Mr. Lincoln, Miss Adams and Mrs. Swarth. The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved, and the January minutes of the Southern Division were read. Prores. sor Ivan Hall, Mr. John O'Connell and Mr. Walter Sellner were elected to membership and the names of R. J. Middleton and C. I. Rawson, elected by the Southern Division, were approved. New names presented were those of Miss Mary E. McLellan, Berkeley, by Dr. Evermann, and Mr. Richard Cox, Oakland, by H. E. Hansen, toether with twelve names presented to the Southern Di- vision at its January meeting. On recommendation of the Executive Com- mittee of the two Divisions, Messrs. Cham- bers and Law were re-elected Business Man- agers of the Club, and Dr. Joseph Grinnell, Editor, and Mr. H. S. Swarth, Associate Ed- . itor, of THe. COVOR. Mr. Wheeler reported continuation of act- ivity on the part of the committee which had been appointed to conduct investigations rel- ative to the licensing of cats. The Business Managers' report, presented by Mr. Law, revealed a gratifying condition of solvency on the part of the Club. The Affiliation Committee of the Pacific Division of the A. A. A. S. reported with regard to the meet- ing to be held at Pasadena, and the follow- ing committee was instructed to prepare a program for that occasion: Mrs. Allen, Mr. Mailliard and Dr. Grinnell. Mr. Hunt then presented a paper on Methods of Representing Bird Songs. Ad- journed.--A, S. ALLr, Secretary. McH.--The regular 'monthly meetin g of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornith- ologicaI Club was held at the Museum of Ver- tebrate Zoology at 8 ,. M., March 20, 1919. President Evermann was in the chair, and the other members preent were: Messrs. Bryant, Cartiger, Cooper, Dixon, Grinnell, Hall, Lamb, Kibbe, Lastreto, Palmer, Storer, Swarth, Wheeler and White; Mesdames Al- Ien, Gifford, Field, Grinnell and Kibbe. The guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Gifford, Mrs. Evermann, Mrs. Swarth and Mrs. Wheeler. The minutes 'of the February meeting were read and approved. Miss Mary E. McLellan and Mr. R. Cox were elected .to membership, as were also twelve others whose names had been proposed 'to the Southern Division at its Janu.a meeting. New names presented were those of Mr. F. N. Basett, AIameda, by Mr. H. C. Bryant, and Mrs. Fora C. Hayes, Berkeley, by Miss Margaret W. Wythe. A letter from Mr. Harold Heath recording the presence of a Caracara at Monterey was read by Dr. Grinnell. Mr. Kibbe reported on the status of the cat in six different places in the United States where ordinances have been adopted with reference to the keeping of cats. On motion of Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Lastreto, it was voted that a resident of Berkeley, equipped with a model ordinance, be appointed to take up the ques- tion of the licensing of cats with the city council. Mr. Kibbe was duly appointed. ' Mr. E. W. Gifford then gave the program of the evening, his subject being "The Birds of Ancient Egypt". This was illustrated by lantern slides showing drawings taken from the ancient monuments and from modern paintings of Egyptian birds. The death of Mr. Malcolm P. Anderson was announced, and Messrs. Grinnell, Dixon and Lamb were appointed to draw up appro- priate resolutions of condolence. Adjourned. --AMELIA S. ALLEN, SecretarY. SOUTHERN DIVISION J,u,Y.--The regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Or- nithological Club was held at the office of Mr. Howard Robertson, Los Angeles, the evening of January 30, 1919. President Mil- ler was in the chair, while Mr. Chambers was appointed Secretary pro tern. Other members present were,: Messrs. Bishop, Col- burn, Daggett, Dawson, Hanaford, Reis, Rich, Robertson, and Stivers. J. H. Taylor was a visitor. Messrs. R. J. Middleton and C. I. Rawson were elected to membership. New names preented were: Selwyn Rich, Claremont, 'Gerdon Nicholson, Ontario, and Leonard Krehbiel, Upland, by Wright M. Pierce; Thomas E. Thompson, Los Angeles, .by C. O. Esterly; A. Russell Smith, North Glen- dale, Penn., by Wharton Huber; Herbert L. Thowless, Newark, N.J., by B. S. Bowdish; Zulenia Parcell, Los Angeles, by Loye H. Miller; William Grlffee, Norton, Kan., by Guy Love; Wallace Aslfiey Deane, Washing- ton, D.C., by T. S, Palmer; Jesse H. Taylor, Eagle Rock, Harry Edgar Wheeler, Conway, Ark., and Charles Alfred Gianini, Poland, N. Y., by W. Lee Chambers. There were also presented three names from the Nonthern DI- vision, Dr. Miller submitted the following reso- lution on the death of Olive Thorne Miller, which was ordered spread upon the min- utes: "Whereas, in the death of Olive Thorne

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