A lfaazine of Western Ornithology
Published Bi-MonthJy by the Cooper Ornitholog%ul Club Entered as second-class matter ttebruary 12, 108, at the post-office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California. under Act of Congress of March $, 1879. Issued from the Office of THE CONDOE, Care E. D. Dietz. First National Bank. Hollywood. California SUBSCRIPTION RATES Two Dollars per Year in the United States. payable in advance. iorty Cents the single copy. Two Dollars and Twenty-five Cents per Year in all other countries in the International Postal Union. COOPER CLUB DUES Two Dollars per year for members residing in the United States. Two Dollars and Twenty*five Cents in all other countries. Manuscripts for publication, and Books and Papers for Review. should be sent to the Editor, ]. GRINNELL, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, California. Chlms for missing or imperfect numbers should be made of the Business Manager, as addressed below, within thirty days of date of issue. Coopor Club Dues, -qubscrlptiona to The Condor, and EEchang'es, should be sent to the Business Manager. For the Purclmse of hck Volumes of The Condor or of the Pacific Cost Avifauna set/es, apply to the Business Manager. W. I,EE CHArBERS, Business Manager, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, California. Issued jrune 6, 1919 CONTENTS Some Notes on the Egg of Aepyorns mazimus (with four photos) .................... .................................................................................................... Wm. C. Bradbury 97 Autobiographical Notes (with portrait) ................ Henry Wetherbee Henshaw 102 A Return to the Dakota Lake Region (continued)....Florence Merriam Bailey 108 Malcolm Playfair Anderson (with portrait) ..................... .Melville B. Anderson 115 Description of an Interesting New Junco from Lower California ........................ ................................................................................................ Harry C. Oberholser 119 FROM FIELD AND STUDY: Nesting of the Wilson Snipe in California....Barton Warren Evermann 121 Records of Larus heermanni with White Primary Coverts ........................ ................................................................................................ Carl L. Hubbs 121 An Albino Black-chinned Hummingbird .................... Harry C. Oberholser 122 RelatiVe Abundance of Ducks in the Rio Grande Valley....Aldo Leoyold 122 The California Shrike Probably Mates for Life ................... .John (. Tyler 122 Another California Record of the Bendire Thrasher ................................ ............... ........................................................................ Wright M. Pierce 123 Gray Gyrfalcon Taken in Oregon .................................... Stanley (. Jewerr 123 Random Notes ............................................. ' .......................... Frank Stephens 123 A Supposed California-taken Trumpeter Swan ................... ,L H. Fleming 124 Bubo virginianus subarcticus in North Dakota ....... Harry C. Oberholser 125 The Caracara in California ....................................................... _Harold Heath 125 The Fly-catching Habit among Birds .................................... Tracy 1. Storer 125 Arctic Tern from Laguna Beach, California ................ Wright M. Pierce 125 Large Set of Eggs of the Canada Goose ........ Barton Warren Evermann 126 The Whistling Swan in Arizona ............................................ W. B. Mershon 126 Some Notes from San Diego, California ........................................ (. Willerr 126 A Recent Record of Mycteria americana in the San Joaquin Valley_ ....... ............................................................................................... ffohn (. Tyler 127 California Gulls Eat Earthworms .................................... Harold C. Bryant 127 Miscellaneous Stomach Examinations ............................ Wright M. Pierce 127 Aechmophorus occidentalis in Lower California in Summer .................... ................................................................................... _Harry C. Oberholser 128 Sea Parrots Washed up on Beach at Eureka ................ Franklin J. mith 128 Notes on the Weights and Plumages of Ducks in New Mexico ................ ............................................................................................. Aldo Leopold 128 The Summer Tanager in California ............................................ Loye Miller 129 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ................................................................................ 129 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ........................................ ; ........................................... 131 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ............................................................ 132 DIRECTORY OF MEMBERS OF THE COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB 135