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For Bale, Exchange and Want Column.--Any Cooper' Club member is entitled to one

advertising notice in each issue free. Notices of over ten lines will be charged for at the rate of ten cents per line. For this department, address W. I, Caezas, Eagle Rock. Los Angeles County, California. Foa S.E--One complete file of Bird-Lore, all in original covers; also many odd num- bers of Bird-Lore. For sale also, one com- plete set, 68 parts, all in original covers, of Animate Creation.--E. W. HADELER, Paines- )ille, Ohio. WATEDA c?py of Birds of Costa Rica, by M. A Carriker, Jr., published as Annals of Carnegie Museum, in 1910.--Aus P. STH, DOS Cabezas, Arizona. R. C. McGREgor, Bureau of Bcience, Mani- la, P. L, wants Richmond's List of generic terms proposed for birds during the years 1890 to 1900, inclusive, etc., which was print- ed in Proc. U./. 1Vat. Mus. (1902), xxxv, 663- 729, and he will give one dollar for a copy, either author's separate or excerpt, and no questions asked. EXCHAIOE--I have the following publica- tions bound in half morocco, to exchange for others not in my library: N. A. Fauna, nos. 8, 25, 28, 29, 31. What have you to offer?-- W. I BrSETT, Colorado Agricultural Col- lege, Fort Collins, Colo. Foa SLr. ca EXCHANOE--Almost complete files of Oologist, West American Scientist, Wilson Bulletin, etc. Wanted, Wilson Bul- letin no. 94, Ridgway's Birds N. and Mid. America, vols. wx and later, Sage's Birds Connecticut, Wayne's Birds South Carolina, etc.--F. L. Brss, Berwyn, Pa. WOULD LIKE tO join someone on a collect- ing trip this spring, either to the Channel Islands, or on main land. Could take auto at my expense.--J. FAK Wmso, $$7 High- land Place, Montevia, Calif. SKULLS AND SKELETOlqS cleaned by a safe, up-to-date method. Send for my schedule of prices. References: California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and California Academy of Sciences.--LuLx M. BuT, 75 Forest Ave., Berkeley, Calif. I WANT a complete set or odd volumes of the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Will give good exchange or cash.--W. LEE CHeXmESS, Eagle Rock, LOS Angeles County, California. I Dv. smz good museum material with com- plete data. Birds, eggs, marine forms, etc. Can furnish any of the southern birds, and have a good series of ducks: Gadwall, Blue- winged Teal, etc.; also shorebirds, geese and herons. Address ALrEO M. BMLE, LouiS- iana tttate Museum, 1Vew Orleans, La. WILL EXCHANOE full sets of the following: A. O. U. nos. 52, 14, 71, 154, 157, 162, 114.1, 172a, 174. I want skins of any of the geese and swans, and of the Limicolae and Galli- nae.--Fazv L. GRANVILLE, 38 Canyon Drive, Hollywood, Calif.


3orthern Division: 8 v. ., third Thursday of month, at Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley. Take any train or car to Univer- sity Campus. The Museum is the corrugated iron building on south side of campus just north of football bleachers.--Mas. ALIA S. AL, [ec'y., 7 Mosswoo Road, Berkeley, Calif. ttouthern Division: 8 P.M., last Thursday of month, at Museum of History, Science, and Art, Exposition Park, Los Angeles. Take "Universit/" car south on Spring St., or "Vermont and Georgia" south on Hill. Get off at Vermont and Thirty- ninth, and walk two blocks east to Exposition Park. The Museum is the build- ing with the large dome.--L. E. WMA, ttec'y., care Of Museum. Intermountain Chater: Get date and place from the Sec'y., ASHBY D. BOYLE, 351 5th Ave., [alt Lake City, Utah. Ban Bernardino Chater: Get date and place from the Sec'y., M. FRV.CH GIL-, Banning, Calif.

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