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present, and as visitors Mesdames Holland, Howard, and Howell. On motion by Willett, seconded by Lelande, those members nomi- nated at the August meeting were duly elected. Names of new members were proposed as follows: J. J. Furbet, Klamath Falls, Ore- gon, Dr. L. E. Hlbbard, Burns, Oregon, and Dr. Geo. W. Field, Washington, D.C., pro- posed by Geo. Wfilett; H. L. Dillaway, Ev- erett, Washington, b Walter P. Taylor. From the Northern Division: Maria V. Bal- lard, Spokane, Washington, by Dr. H. C. Bryant. Mr. George Wlllett .told his summer ob- servations of breeding conditions at Mal- heur Lake, Oregon, and of the effort being made by real estate promoters to have this lake drained. Investigations indicate that the land is an alkaline basin, too saline for agricultural purposes, since there is poor drainage, and therefore no legitimate rea- son exists for its reclamation. Furthermore, there are untold acres of untilled land on its borders, and the abutting property own- ers around the lake are practically unani- mous in opposition to draining the lake, fore- seeing their own ruin in such procedure. On motion by Lelande, seconded by Dag- gert, a resolution was passed protesting at the proposed drainage plans, and copies or- dered sent to the Governor of Oregon and to-the State Land Commissioner of Oregon. Mr. A. B. Howell, just returned from four months in southern Arizona for the Biolog- ical Survey, gave some side lights on his trip. Travel was difficult, and two years drouth made waterholes scarce. On the oth- er hand, cloudbursts complicated matters at times. His entire outfit, except specimens, was submerged by one. A broken differen- tial 70 miles from a railroad and 24 miles from a water hole, added to the spice of Arizona's worst desert. Mammalian life had been decimated, and many birds did not breed at all this spring. While he made no new state records of birds, there were many new local records. His route zigzagged across the portion of Arizona lying south of the Southern Pacific Railroad, from Yuma to Tucson, ending with a month in the Cata- lina Mountains.--J. EUOENE LAW, Secretary, pro tern. DECEMREB.--Regular monthly meeting of the Cooper Clubl Southern Division, was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art, at 8:00 P.M., December 26, 1918. Members present were: Messrs. Appleton, Barnes, Bronse, Chambers, Hanaford, Rich, Reis, Robertson, Willett and Wyman. In the ab- sence of President Miller, Vice-president Willett occupied the chair. Minutes of the November meeting were read and approved, and October minutes of the Northern Division were read. On mo- tion by Dr. Rich, seconded by Mr. Cham- bers, the Secretary was instructed to cast an electing ballot for the parties whose names were presented at the previous meeting. New names presented were: Raymond Jones Middleton, Jeffersonville, Penn., and Charles Irving Rawson, Oxford, Mass., by W. Lee Chambers. The death of Olive Thorne Miller, for years a Cooper Club member, having been anounced, it was deemed proper that the Club should pass resolutions of regret, and Dr. L. H. Miller was appointed a commitee of one to draft such resolutions. Owing to the small attendance it seemed best to defer nomination of officers for the coming year until the January meeting, and on motion by Mr. Chambers such postponement was ordered. Formal business matters disposed of, Judge Barnes favored the members with an interesting talk on his experiments with the Trumpeter Swan, and numerous species of wild geese, in captivity: He spoke also of conditions affecting the nesting of the Wood Duck, on the Illinois River. Adjourned.--L. E. WYMAN, ecretary. NORTHERN DIVISION N0VEBEB.--The regular 'meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornitholog- ical Club was held at the Museum of Verte- brate Zoology on the evening of November 21, 1918, at eight o'clock. Dr. Evermann presided, and the following members were present: Messrs. Anderson, Bryant, Cohen, Garlough, Grinnell, Hansen, Jacobson, Kibbe, Labarthe, Lastreto, Leggett, Stivers, Swarth; Mesdames Allen, Barnford, Fergu- son, E. Ferguson, Griffin, Grinnell, Kibbe, and Wythe. The visitors present were: Mrs. Evermann, Mrs. Labarthe, Mrs. Swarth, Miss Alice Wythe and Mr. Humphreys. The' minutes of the October meeting .were read and approved. Mr. A. S. Kibbe re- ported for the Committee on the Conserva- tion of Wild Life. Tle Club then enjoyed the privilege of hearing Dr. C. G. Stivers, Captain, Medical Reserve Corps, Aviation Department, who read entertaining selections from his ex- haustive paper on "Bird Flight and Human Flight". Practical demonstrations of some

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