vice Unit, Quebec, Can. (Auld, Jan., 1919.) BARROWS, Dr. Albert L., First Lieutenant, 347th Machine Gun Battalion, 91st Divi- sion, A. E. F., Belgium. (Feb., 1919.) BERGTOLD, Dr. W. H., Major, Medical Corps, U.S. General Hospital no. 21, Denver, Colo. (Auk, Jan., 1919.) BROOKS, Allan, Major, 11th Canadian Infan- try Headquarters, British E. F., France. (Dec., 1918.) In the service the entire period of the war, in sniping organiza- tions. (Jan., 1919.) BURLEIGH, Thos. D., Private 3d Detachment, 10th Engineers, Forestry Division, A. E. F., France. (Dec., 1918.) CALDER, James A., Master Gunner Class, En- listed Specialists' Preparatory School, 60th Co., Coast Artillery Corps, Ft. Winfield Scott, Calif. (Dec., 1918.) CAMP, Charles L., First Lieutenant, Head- quarters, 7th Field Artillery, A. E. F., France. (Dec., 1918.) CHAPMAN, Dr. Frank M., Red Cross Commis- sioner, South America. (Auk, Jan., 1919.) CROSBY, Maunsell ., Captain, Quartermaster Corps, Finance Officer, Camp Mills, N.Y. (Dec., 1918.) DICE, Dr. Lee R., Private, Medical Depart- ment, Yale Army Laboratory School, New Haven, Conn. (Dec., 1918.) DROWNE, Dr. F, P. (Dec., 1918.) EASTMAN, F. B., Major, Infantry, Camp Grant, Ill. President of Discharge Board, and Camp Morale Officer. (Dec., 1918.) FOWLER, Frederick H., Captain, Engineers, Office of Chief of Engineers, Washington, D.C..(Auk, Jan., 1919.) GIRBONS, Dr. Morton R., Major, Medical Corps, Commanding Officer, Hospital, Camp Pike, Ark. (Feb., 1919.) GOLDMAN, E. A., Major, Sanitary Corps, A. E. F., France. In charge of rat depredation control about supply depots. (Dec., 1918.) GOSSE, P. H., Captain, 22d Army, British E. F., France. Later transferred to service in India. (Sept., 1918.) HARTMAN, P. J., Engineers, A. E. F., France. HOLDEN, F. Harvey, Captain, Battery F, 62d Regiment, Coast Artillery Corps, A. E. F., France. (Dec., 1918.) HUNT, Edwin B., Aviation, Naval Reserve. (Feb., 1919.) KELLOGG, Remington, Sergeant, Camp Hos- pital 29, Base Sec. 2, A. E. F., France. (Nov., 1918,) KELLOGG, Vernon L., Food Administration work with Mr. Hoover in Europe, and Re- lief Commission work in Belgium. (Dec., t918.) CONDOR Vol. XXI KIRN, Alfred J., Base Hospital 55, A. E. F., France. (Dec., 1918.) KITTREDGE, JOS., Jr., Captain, Engineers, For- estry Section, A. E. F., France. Firewood production for the advance section. (Dec., 1918.) KOFOI, Charles A., Major, Sanitary Corps, Laboratory, Port of Embarkation, New York City. (Jan., 1919.) Now lecturing before army medical organizations. Ear- lier conducted hook worm survey of the Southern Department. LINCOLN, F. C., Corporal, 8th Service Co., Signal Corps, Presidio, San Francisco. (Jan., 1919.) In charge of Headquarters Loft (Carrier Pigeon), no. 7. LOFTFIELD, Gotre. (Dec., 1918.) LORING, J. Alden, First Lieutenant, Ord- nance Department, in Texas, (Auk, Jan., 1919.) MAGEe, William A., Jr., Ensign, Instructor, Naval Aviation School, Pensacola, Fla. (Jan., 1919.) MEYER, Miss Heloise, Red Cross, in France. (Auk, Jan., 1919.) MITCHELL, Dr. Walton I., Major, Medical Corps, 805th Pioneer Infantry, A. E. F., France. (Dec., 1918.) MOFFr, James, Seaman, U.S. Naval Re- serve, San Francisco, Calif. (Jan., 1919.) MLELLER, Carl S., Second Lieutenant, Quar- termaster Corps, Finance Division, Camp Merritt, N.J. (Dec., 1918.) MUmE, Olaus J., Cadet, Army Balloon School, Ft. Omaha, Neb. (Auk, Jan., 1919.) PALHER, R. H., Reserve Officers' Training Corps no. 9, Presidio, Calif. ("Nov. 1917" --Auk, Jan., 1919.) PEYTON, Sidney B., Corporal, Machine Gun Co., 160th Infantry, 40th Division, A. E. F., France. (Dec., 1918.) PHLLXPS, Dr. John C.,-Medical Corps, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind. ("Dec. 1917"-- Auld, Jan., 1919.) REDXNGTON, Robert R., Engineering Depart- ment, Dupont's, Wilmington, Del. (Dec., 1918.) RCHEY, Howard J., Corporal, Ambulance Service Training Camp, Camp Crane, Pa. Enlisted in June, 1917. (Dec., 1918.) ROnEBTSON, John McB., Master Gunner Class, 60th Co., Coast Artillery Corps, Enlisted Specialists' Preparatory School, Ft. Win- field Scott, Calif. (Dec., 1918.) SCHAEFER, Oscar F., Sergeant, 3d Detach- ment, 10th Engineers (Forest), A. E. F., France. (Dec., 1918.) Enlisted in June, 1917.) SCHUSSLER, George W., Staff Sergeant, Of-