48 ' ' '.3 :' : THE '.ONDOK: . . Vol. 'I
cal Club, was held at the Museum of His- tory, Science and Art, August 29, 1918, at 8:00 P. . In the absence of president and vice-president, Mr. Daggett was acclaimed chairman of the evening. Other members present were: Messrs. Barker, Brouse, Chambers, Colburn, Esterly, Hanaford, Hol- land, Law, Peyton, Robertson and Wyman; Mesdames Husher and Law. Mrs. Robert- son was a visitor. Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. On proper motion the Sec- retary was instructed to cast an electing ballot for the parties whoe names were lresented at the July meeting. New names presented were: John D. Mercer, Los An- geles, by Fred Barker; Ernest Windie, Ava- lon, by A. B. Howell; and O. H. Homme, Pull- man, Washington, by W. P. Taylor. Also, from the Northern Division, the names of Eva T. Griffin, San Francisco, and Eliza- beth Ferguson, Berkeley, both presented by Mrs. J. T. Allen. A notification, directed to one of the mem- bers personally, from. the Biological Survey, to the effect that hereafter a special permit from the Department of Agriculture will be necessary for collecting migratory birds, was read to the Club. On motion by Mr. Chambers the secretary was instructed to secure a supply of blank applications for convenience of the members. In the general discussion that followed Mr. Peyton, than whom none is more famili- ar with the haunts of the Condor, and who has collected extensively, oolnglcally, among the eagles of Ventura County and the Santa Barbara Islands, told some of his experi- ences and observations. A tray of study- skins of Juncos and near-related sparrows received the usual attention. Adjourned.-- L. E. WYA, ecretary. Nov.B.R.--The regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division was held at the home of Mr. W. Lee Chambers, Eagle Rock, November 29, 1918, at 8:00 P. . Members. present were Messrs. Brown, Brouse, Cham- bers, Colburn, Dickey, Esterly, Law, Little, Nokes, Miller, Rich and Wunan, and Mrs. Law. President Miller officiated. Minutes of the August and September meetings were read and approved, and those of the same meeting of the Northern Divi- sion were read. On proper motion the sec- retary was instructed to cast an electing ballot for the following parties, whose names were presented at previous meetings: H. L. Dillaway, Everett, Washington; John J. Furbet, Klamath Falls, Oregon; Dr. Geo. W. Field, Washington, D.C.; Dr. L. E. Hibbard, Burns, Oregon; John D. Mercer, Los Ange- les; Ernest Windie, Avalon; O. H. Homme, Pullman, Washington. The names of Maria V. Ballard, Eva T. Griffin, and Elizabeth Ferguson from the NOrthern Division, were approved. New names presented were: A. L. Gorm- ley, Ampriot, Ont., Canada, and Edward Gordon Alexander, Lexington, Mo., by W. Lee Chambers; Donald Still, Tucson, Ariz., by A. B. Howell; while the following were received from the Northern Division: Mrs. G. E. Kelly, Alameda; Richard M. Hunt, Berkeley; Mrs. Harriette W. Bridges, Berke- ley; Miss Esther Guthrie, Woodland; and Miss Isabel A. Thomson, Fallon, Nevada. Letters from Gov. Withycombe of Oregon, also from the Land Board of that state, and from the Secretary of Agriculture, Wash- ington, D.C., acknowledging receipt of the Cooper Club's protest against the draining of Malheur Lak, Oregon, were read. The resignation of Mrs. Robert Fargo was pre- sented and accepted. A communication from the Northern Divi- sion was read, calling attention to the need of a Club repository for field notes. After some'discussion, on motion by Mr. Law, sec- onded by Dr.' Rich, and unanimously car. ried, it was expressed as the sense of the meeting that the Club's library be formally organized by the appointment of two libra- rians to be named, one each, from the active staff of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, and of the Museum of History, Science and Art, Los Angeles, and both to be members of the Cooper Ornithological Club. These librarians shall be the cus- todians of all publications, manuscripts, field notes, and other ornithological data given or bequeathed to the Club, and such material shall be deposited in the said two museums in such manner as to be available to scientific students, due regard being giv- en to the expressed wishes of the respective donors. [This resolution is submitted now to the Northern Division.] On motion of Dr. Ri.ch, seconded by Mr Law,. a vote of thanks was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Chambers for their hospitality in entertaining the Club and affording the op- portunity for what was pronounced the most enjoyable meeting of the year. In the half-hour of general discussion Mr. Law reported a nest, with two young, of the Green-backed Goldfinch, found on Nov- ember 14. A session in Mr. Chambers' libra- ry, where many rare volumes were inspect- ed, completed the meeting. Adjourned.--L. E. WY, ecretary.