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discredited records pointing to a sixth sense as. based upon such erroneous reports. Gen- eral discussion was led by Dr. Grinnell. The business of the evening was then dis- Dosed of. The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved, and the June and July minutes for the Southern Division were read. Mrs. G. E. Kelly was elected to membership, and Prof. H. E. McMinn, elected by the Southern Division, was approved for membership. The following names were presented: Miss Esther Guthrie, Woodland, California, by Mrs. J. T. Allen; Mrs. Har- riette W. Bridges, Oakland, by Miss Marga- ret W. Wythe; Miss Isabel A. Thomson, Fal- lon, Nevada, by Mrs. Allen; Richard M. Hunt, Berkeley, by J. Grinnell; and J. W. Hungate, Cheney, Washington, by Barton W. Evermann and Walter P. Taylor. A letter from Mrs. Florence Merriam Bai- ley to Dr. Grinnell, suggesting that the Coo- per Club should have a place where note- books and photographs could be preserved, was read. Adjourned.--AMELiA S. ALLEN, Secretary. SrPTEMBEE.--The regular meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornitholog- ical Club was held at the Museum of Verte- brate Zoology, Berkeley, at 8 P.M., Septem- ber 19, 1918. Dr. Evermann was in the chair and the following members were pres- ent: Messrs. Bryant, Cartiger, Cooper, Ever- mann, Hunt, Lastreto, Loomis, Mailliard, Morley, Storer, Swarth, Wetmore and Wheeler; Mesdames Allen, Grinnell, Klue- gel, Knappen, Meade and Schlesinger. The visitors present were Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Swarth and Mr. Schlesinger. The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved. Miss Esther Guthrie, Woodland, Calif., Mrs. Harriette W. Bridges, Oakland, Miss Isabel Thomson, Fallon, Ne- vada, Richard M. Hunt, Berkeley, and J. W. Hungate, Cheney, Wash., were elected to membership. Mrs. E. D. Roe, San Francisco, was proposed for membership by Carl R. Smith, and Paul J. Fair, San Francisco, by Dr. Evermann. An interesting letter from Mr. Ridgway describing early conditions in Indiana was read by Dr. Evermann. Following up the suggestion made by Mrs. Florence Merriam Bailey, Mr. Swarth pre- sented a motion that members of the Club be invited to deposit note-books or other records in the care of the Cooper Club. The motion was carried, as was also a motion offered by Mr. Mailliard that a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to arrange with the Southern Division as to the best place for keeping such material. Mr. Mailliard reported a nighthawk as seen in San Francisco. Mr. Alexander Wetmore then read an ac- count of birds found at Lake Burford, north- ern New Mexico. He dwelt particularly up- on water birds and especially upon their habits of displa during the mating season. At the close of the paper Dr. Evermann an- nounced the committee to recommend place of deposit for ornithological records as fol- lows: Mr. Joseph Mailliard, Mr. Harry S. Swarth and Mr. H. W. Carriger. Adjourned. ---AMELIA S. ALLEN, Secretary. OCTOBEE.--Because of quarantine regula- tions, the regular October meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornitholog- ical Club was held under the trees outside the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, the time being October 17, 1918, at eight o'clock. Dr. Evermann presided. The following mem- bers were present: Messrs. Bryant, Carti- ger, Hanford, Hunt, Kibbe, Loomis, Mailli- ard, Noack and Wheeler; Mesdames Allen, Barnford, Griffin, Kelley, Kibbe, Knappen and Meade. Visitors present were: Mrs. Morley, Mrs. Wheeler, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Meade. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved. Paul J. Fair, San Francisco, and Mrs. E. D. Roe, San Francis- co, were elected to membership. Also S. Herbert Jones, F. B. Hart, Reginald Hop- kins, John Mercer, Ernest Windle and O. H. Homme, whose names had already been passed upon by the Southern Division. Resolutions relating to the proposed drainage of Malheur Lake for the benefit of real estate speculators, drawn up and signed by the Southern Division, copies of which were addressed to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, the Governor of Oregon, and the Land Board of Oregon, were read to the Club. By unanimous vote of the Club the Secretary was instructed to sign the resolu- tions for the Northern Division and to for- ward them to the proper parties. Mr. Joseph Mailliard then gave an ac- count of his visit to the Feather River coun- try, with many interesting observations up- on the songs, habits and nests of the birds found at different elevations. After discussion and comparison of ob- servations, the Club adJourned.--AMELIA S. ALLEN, Secretary. SOUTHEBN DIVISION AuousT.--The regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division, Cooper Ornithologi-

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