Selasp_horus platycercus, 21, 87, 168 rufus, 1.3, 16, 123, 186 Sell, R. A., the scarlet ibis in Texas, 78 Setochalcis vocifera arizonae, 91 Setophaga picta, 21, 168 Shearwater, 185 Pink-footed, 85, 178 Sooty, 178 Shoveller, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 67 Sialia mexicana occidentalis, 16, 18, 71 sialis sialis, 44 Sitta canadensis, 12, 46 carolinensis aculeata, 75, 88 carolinensis nelsoni, 21, 88 carolinensis tenuissima, 88 pygmaea leuconucha, 58 pygmaea pygmaea, 21, 73 Skua, 179, 180 Smith, Austin Paul, September notes from Keddie, Plumas County, California, 45; whip-poor-wiI1 in New Mexico, 91; some Texas bird notes, 212 Snipe, Wilson, 74, 85, 136 Solitaire, Townsend, 44, 57 Sofa, 67, 136, 170 Sparrow, Baird, 98 Belding Marsh, 60 Bell, 98, 190 Black-chinned, 22, 42 Brewer, 17, 18 Cassin, 42 Clay-colored, 25, 28, 68, 112, 176 Desert, 23 English, 42 Forbush, 17, 18 Gambel, 15, 16, 18 Harris, 24 Lincoln, 17, 189 Modoc Song, 18, 45, 126 Nelson, 64, 67 Nevada Savannah, 17, 18 Rock, 42, 212 Rufous-crowned, 98 Salton Sink Song, 126
San Diego Song, 126
Savannah, 34, 67, 112 Song, 28, 69, 176, 186 Stephens Fox, 138 Thick-billed, 61, 75, 77 Vesper, 69, 70, 112 Western Chipping, 15, 16, 189 Western Grasshopper, 42 Western Lark, 42, 190, 212 White-crowned, 15, 61 Yolla Bolly Fox, 138 Spatula clypeata, 38 Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea, 40 Spiza americana, 42 Spizella atrogularis, 22 breweri, 17 passerina arizonae, 15, 189 Sphyrapicus ruber ruber, 18 thyroideus thyroideus, 45, 72 varius daggetti, 24, 72 Spoonbill, 9 Roseate, 79 Squires, Walter A., and Hansen, Harold E., the destruction of birds at the light- houses on the coast of California, 6 Stellula calliope, 16, 70 Stephens, Frank,--an autobiography, 164 Stercorarius longicauda, 85 Sterna hirundo, 180 paradisaea, 85 Stilt, Black-necked, 126 Strix varia helveola, 40 Surf-bird, 85 Swallow, American Barn, 34, 37, 68, 92 Bank, 90 Cliff, 52, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 91, 105, 109 Tree, 71, 85 Violet-green, 105 Swan, Whistling, 93 Swarth, H. S., notes on some birds 'from central Arizona, 20; review of J. A. Munro's "report of field work in Oka- nagan and Shuswap districts in 1916", 48; 'the subspecies of the Ore- gon Jay, 83; review of Frank S. Chap- man's "distribution of bird life in Colombia", 95; the distribution of the subspecies of the brown towhee (Pipilo crissalis), 117; review of P. A. Taverner and R. M. Anderson's "sum- mary report of the geological survey of Canada", 141; review of Jonathan Dwight's "the geographical distribu- tion of color and of other variable characters in the genus Junco: a new aspect of specific and subspecific val- ues", 142; review of Charles B. Cory's "catalogue of birds of the Americas and adjacent islands in Field museum of natural history", 143 Swift, Chimney, 176 Vaux, 16, 18 White-throated, 16, 103, 196 Tachytriorchis albicaudatus sennetti, 212 Tanager, Cooper, 169 Hepatic, 21, 168 Summer, 42 Western, 14, 21, 46, 168, 196 Taverner, P. A., and Anderson, R. M., re- view of their "summary report of the geological survey of Canada for 1916", 141
Taverner, P. A., some summer birds of Alert