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Sierra, 45

Guara rubra, 78 Guiraca caerulea lazula, 169 caerulea salicarius, 92 Gull, Bonaparte, 27, 77, 85 Franklin, 27, 175, 177, 178, 192 Glaucous-winged, 184 Heermann, 122, 145, 185, 187 Herring, 184 Short-billed, 184 Swallow-tailed, 116 Western, 124 THE 'CONDOR Vol. XX H Haliaeetus leucocephalus, 185 Hanna, Wilson C., nesting notes from the San Bernardino Valley, 126; first oc- currence of the dwarf cowbird in the San Bernardino Valley, California, 211 Hansen, Harold E., two midwinter records for San Francisco County, California, 93 Hansei, Harold E., and Squires, Walter A., the destruction of birds at tile light- houses on the coast of California, 6 Hasselborg, Allen E., bird notes from Ad- miralty Island, southeastern Alaska, 191 Hawk, American Sparrow, 73, 127 Cooper, 18, 49, 127 Florida Red-shouldered, 40 Harris, 40, 212 Marsh, 18, 30, 35, 40, 111, 113, 127, 132, 134 Pigeon, 185 Red-tailed, 107 Rough-legged, 91 Sennett White-tailed, 212 Sharp-shinned, 127 Swainson, 191 Western Red-tailed, 72, 127, 191 Heleodytes brunneicapillus couesi, 43, 189 Hen, Heath, 146 Henshaw, F. W., some pugnacious coots, 92 Heron, Anthony Green, 169 Black-crowned Night, 28, 29, 35, 39, 171, 172 Great Blue, 18, 185 Green, 39 Louisiana, 39 Hesperiphona vespertina californica, 45 vespertina montana, 71, 168 Heterorhynchus olivaceus, 114 Himantopus mexicanus, 126 Hirundo erythrogaster, 92 rustica, 92 rustica erythrogaster, 92 rustica palmeri, 92 Holleman, Ridley, and Quillin, Roy W., the breeding birds of Bexar County, Tex- as, 37 Howell, A. B., review of E. R. Kaitabach's "the crow and its relation to man", 140 Hummingbird, Allen, 146 Anna, 16, 18, 75 Black-chinned, 21, 41, 46 Blue-throated, 168 Broad-tailed, 21, 87, 168 Calliope, 16, 70, 74 Costa, 21; 114, 168, 196 Rivoli, 168 Rufous, 146, 186 Hunt, Richard, the tragical addition of a new bird to the Campus list, 125 Hydranassa tricolor ruficollis, 39 Hylocichla aonalaschkae auduboni, 61 guttata auduboni, 89 guttata polionora, 89 gutrata sequoiensis, 24, 89 guttata slevini, 192 ustulata oedica, 61 ustulata swainsoni, 89 ustulata ustulata, 192 Ibis, Scarlet, 78 White-faced Glossy, 39 Wood, 126 Icteria virens virens, 43 Icterus bullocki, 42, 170 cucullatus nelsoni, 170 parisorum, 22, 170 Ingersoll, A.M., second occurrence of Wil- son plover in California, 187 Ionornis martinica, 39 Irideprocne bicolor, 42, 71, 85 Jaeger, Long-tailed, 85 Jay, Arizona, 21 Belding, 60, 98 Blue-fronted, 16, 76 California, 12, 18, 71, 98 Canada, 186, 206, 208 Long-crested, 168 Long-tailed. 190 Oregon, 83 Pinyon, 74, 190, 20.1 Rocky Mountain, 197 Steller, 186 Texas, 212 Woodhouse, 71 Xantus, 98 Junco, -Arizona, 168 Red-backed, 21, 22, 23 Sierra, 76, 189

Thurber, 15

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