Du Bols, A.D., an albino magpie, 189; a late nest of Swainson hawk, 191 Duck, Golden-eye, 134, 135 Ring-necked, 24 Ruddy, 19, 37, 39, 170, 171 Wood, 34, 56, 91 Dwight, Jonathan, review of his "the geo- graphical distribution of color and of other variable characters in the genus Junco: a new aspect of specific and subspecific values", 142 Eagle, Bald, 185 Golden, 72, 191, 212 Harpy, 78 Editorial notes and news, 47, 94, 128, 140, 194, 213 Empidonax fulvifrons pygmaeus, 165 hammondi, 18 trailli trailli, 168, 211 wrighti, 78 Ereunetes mauri, 185 Ei, ismatura jamaicensis, 19, 39 Eugenes fulgens, 168 Euphagus cyanocephalus, 72 Falco mexicanus, 127 sparverius sparverius, 73, 127 Falcon, Prairie, 127, 195 Finch, Cassin Purple, 71, 78 Gray-crowned Rosy, 76 House, 15 Fisher, Walter K., in memoriam: Lyman Belding, 51 Flicker, 27, 35, 176, 186 Gilded, 169 Hybrid, 142, 216 Red-shafted, 72, 73, 74 Flycatcher, Arizona Crested, 22, 168 Arkansas, 18 Ash-throated, 41, 168 Beardless, 212 Buff-breasted, 168 Coues, 21, 167, 168 Crested, 41 Gray, 44 Hammond, 18 Olivaceous, 168 Olive-sided, 21, 46 Scissor-tailed, 41, 212 Sulphur-bellied, 168 Traill, 168, 211, 212 Vermilion, 41, 167 Wright, 77, 78 Fringilla crissalis, 117 Fullca americana, 39, 92, 193 INDEX TO VOLUME XX :": '" "" '" '" ,/ 219
'.' ::.:' ::
- ': '... '.'.
.G Gadwall, 27 Gallinago delicata, 74, 85 Gallinula galeata, 39 Gallinule, Florida, 39 Purple, 39 Gayla iraruer, 184 pacifica, 24 Geococcyx californianus, 40 Geothlypis beldingi, 57, 60 trichas occidentalis, 16, 169 trichas sinuosa, 62 Glaucidium gnoma californicum, 18, 86, 127 gnoma pinicola, 86 Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray, 44 Western, 19 Goelitz, Walter A., the short-eared owl in Saskatchewan, 101 Golden-eye, 3, 27, 177 Barrow, 3 Goldfinch, 136, 176 Green-backed 16 Willow, 16 Goose, Blue, 56 Canada, 44, 71, 75, 185 Ross Snow, 24 }Vhite-fronted, 85 Goshawk, 216 Western, 141 Grackle, Bronzed, 42 Great-tailed, 42 Grebe, American Eared, 16, 18, 38, 136, 196 Holboell, 171, 175, 184 Horned; 93 ' Mexican, 38 Pied-billed, 189 Grey, Henry, wood duck at San Diege, 91; wood ibis at San Diego, 126 Grinnell, H. W., review of T. Gilbert Pear- son's "the bird study book", 48 Grinnell, Joseph, the status of the xvhite- rumped petrels of the California coast, 56; seven new or noteworthy birds from east-central California, 86; the name of the American barn swal- low, 92; review of W. H. Bergtold's "a study of the incubation periods of birds--what determines their length ?", 95; review of "Birds of America", 97; review of Robert Cushman Mur- phy's "Natural history observations from the Mexican portion of the Colo- rado desert", 97; extension of the known distribution of some northern California birds, 190; the Virginia warbler in California, 193 Grosbeak, Black-headed, 14, 19 Evening, 45 Western Blue, 169 Western Evening, 71, 168 Grouse, Blue, 185
Ruffed, 185