A Maazine of Western Ornithology Published Bi-Montldy by the Cooper Ornithological Club lntered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the Dost-office at os Angeles (Hollywood Station), California, under ACt of Congress of March $, 1879. Issued from the Office of THE COlDOR, care 1. D. Dietz, First National Bank, Hollywood, California fwo Dollars per Year in the United States, payable in advance. Thirty Cents the single copy. Two Dollars nd Twenty-five Cents per Year in all other countries in the International laostal Union. COOPER CLUB DUES Two Dollars per year for members residing in the United States. Two Dollars nd Twenty-five Cents in all other countries. Manuscripts for publication, and Books and Papers for Review, should be sent to the Editor, J. Grinnell, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, California. Claims for missing or imperfect numbers should be made of the Business Manager, as addressed below, within thirty days of date of issue. Cooper Club Dues, Subscriptions to The Condor, and Exchanges, should be sent to the Business Manager. For the Purchase of Back Volumes of The Condor or of the Pacific Coast Avlfanna series. aplaly to the Business Manager. Address W. Lee Chambers, Business Manager. ]agle Rock, os Angeles County, California. CONTENTS Nesting of the Rocky Mountain Jay (with eleven photos ) ....W (7. Bradbury Description of a New Lanius from Lower California ............... -I. (7. Oberholser FROM FIELD AND STUDY The Kaeding Petrel in California ................................................ Loye Miller 211 First Occurrence of the Dwarf Cowbird in the San Bernardino Valley ............................................................................ Wilson (7. Hanna 211 First Flights of a Young Golden Eagle .................................... Loye Miller 212 Some Texas Bird Notes ........................................................ Austin Paul Smith 212 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS .................................................................................... 213 COMMUNICATION: Trinomials and Current Practice ................ P. A. Taverner 213 INDEX TO VOLUME XX .................................................................................................... 217 197