The type of 'Lantus luclovicianus nelsoni is a winter bird, chosen because in perfect plumage, but we have also breeding specimens from Todos Santos, Lower California, the type locality, both in worn breeding plumage and in juvenile plumage, and these show plainly the distinctive characters of large bill and small white tail-markings. One exam- ple from La Paz, Lower California (no. 196171, U.S. Nat. Mus.), taken December 23, 1905, is decidedly darker than the type, which latter represents the normal coloration.. A single bird from Rosarito, the northernmost locality for Lanius lulovicianus nelsoi, seems to be entirely typical', and indicates the extent of the geographic distribution of this form in that direction. While Lanius luclovicianus nelsoni is the breedin g form of Lower California, Lan- ius lulovtcianus gainbell occurs there in winter, even as far south as the Cape San Lucas region, as the following three specimens in the Biological Survey collection show: no. 196165,, U.S. Nat. Mus., male, Santo Domingo, Lower California, September 27, 1905; no. 196165, U.S. Nat. Mus., female, Magdelena Island, Lower California, November 24, 1905; and no. 196175, U.S. Nat. Mus., male, San Jos del Cabo, January 6, 1906. Detailed measurements of this new race are given below for purposes of compari- SOI. MEASUREMENTS OF SPECIMENS OF LANIU$ LUDO'irCIANU$ NEL$ONI, ALL FROM LOWER CALIFORNIA, ANI TAKEN BY E. W. NELSON AND E. A. GOLDMAN UN- LESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Nat. Mus. No. 149925 25438 196172 196167 196171 149924 196169 196170 196164 196166 Sex Locality Date ring Tail 8] vixad. Santa Margarita Id. May, 1888 99.5 100.0 16.5 29.0 17.5 Todos Santos ...................... 98.0 107.0 18.8. 28.5 17.3 Todos Santos Dec. 26, 1905. 98.0 101.5 16.0 29.0 17.0 Rancho, Santo Do- mingo, 25 mi. S. Nov. 14,1905 99.0 101.5 16.5 28.5 17.0 San Jorge La Paz Dec. 23, 1905 99.0 103.0 17.0 27.3 16.0 Average of five males: 98.7 102.6 17.0 28.5 7.0 9 vixad. Santa Margarita Id. ' May 2, 1888 96.0 101.0 15.5 27.0 16.0 [ 9] Santa Margarita Id. Nov. 29, 1905 95.5 97.5 16.0 27.5 17.0 9 Llano de Yrals Dec. 13, 1905 96.0 101.0 ........ 25.5 15.0 9 Rosarito Sept. 24, 1905 98.0 101.0 16.0 27.3 17.0 9 Calmalii Sept. 29, 1905 95.0 ........ 16.0 27.0 17.0 Average of fi*e females: 96.1 100.1 15.9 26.9 16.4 Collector unknown. Collected by J. Xantus. Type.
Washington, D.C., October 15, 1918.