over entire surfaee with fine to larger spots of brownish gray, heaviest on lar- ger end. (See .fig. 43.) MEASUREMENTS IN INCHES For comparison only, I include in the photograph (fig. 43) set no. 4, of two Canada Jay eggs taken with one newly hatched chick in South Dakota, alti- tude 4,400 feet, April 21, 1918. Set no. 1 Set no. 2 Set no. 3 Set no. 4 1.26x.83 1.15x.85 1.20x.90 1.10x.78 1.26x.85 1.24x.85 1.29x.83 1.15x.77 1.20x.86 Fig. 45. NEST OF CANADA JAY, TAKEN IEAR NEMO, SOUTH DAKOTA, APRIL 21, 1918. 'lHe author is greatly indebted to ir. Smith Piley of Denver, as well as to his field assistants and also to ir. lt i. Watson, an experieneed oologist, for their interest and eo/Jperation in seeuring eggs, nests, and data on the habits of the Roeky iountain Jay and takes this opportunity of expressing grateful appreeiation of their efforts in behalf of the Colorado iuseum of Natural History. Photographs of the nests and eggs are by J. D. Figgins.
Denver, Colorado July 9 1918.