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Set no. 2. "Location at about 8,700 feet altitude in Saguache County, Col- orado, in open stand of lodge-pole pine. The nest was on the south side of a tree fifteen feet high, located on two limbs two and one-half feet from the trunk and five feet from the ground. The tree was on a steep hillside upon which snow was two feet deep. The nest, So well concealed as to be located with much difficulty, was found through first noticing the bird, on April 3, carrying feathers from the chicken yard. She was not seen upon the nest again until the date upon which it was collected, April 26, at which time she was very tame, and could almost be touched when on the nest." Fig. 41. NEST AND EGGS OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN JAY; SET NO. 2. This nest contained three eggs but slightly incubated. Set no. 3. "Location, Gunnison County, Colorado, altitude where taken, 10,600 feet. Generally at noon, when the miners came out of the tunnel to eat- lunch, there would be five or six birds waiting for the scraps. Early in Febm- ary they began to disappear, and none was seen about the mine after February 20. By that time there was eight feet of snow on the ground, and from that date on, frequent blizzards of several days duration, such as no man could en- dure. During the last of February and first half of March, made several trips
of a mile or so through the timber, when I saw two pairs of birds only, and