the meeting to order. The following mem- bers were present: Messrs. Davis, Ever- mann, Kibbe, Smith, Swarth; Madames A1- fen, Barnford, Ferguson, Kibbe, Knappen, Meade, Lueddemann, Schlesinger, Wythe. Visitors were Mr. Alien, Miss Barrows, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Evermann, Miss Ferguson, Mrs. House, Miss House, Mr. Meade, Mrs. Smith and Mr. Strong. The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved and Mr. Frederick Alex- ander Schneider, one of the founders of the club who had dropped out for a number of years, was elected again to membership. The following proposals were made: Mr. M. Herrick Spaulding, Montana Agricultural College, Bozeman, Montana, by W. P. Tay- lor and J. Grinnell, and Miss Elizabeth Fer- guson, 5 Panoramic Way, Berkeley, by Mrs. J. T. Alien. The committee appointed to consider the resignation of Dr. Gibbons re- ported in favor of establishing an absentee list with remission of dues for all members resigning to enter army service, such provi- sion to be submitted to the Southern Divi- sion for approval. On motion of Mr. Swarth, seconded by Mrs. Ferguson, the report was accepted. Dr. Evermann then gave a very interesting account of the work cf three of America's early naturalists, Audubon, Wil- son and Rafinesque. After' disposing of a "loan collection of specimens," the club en- joyed a short field trip through Strawberry Canyon.--AELX S. A,LE,, Secretary. JuNE.--The regular monthly meeting of 'the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornith- ological Club was held at the Museum or Vertebrate Zoology at 8 r. i., June 20, 1918. In the absence of the president and vice- president, Dr. Bryant took the chair. The following members were present: Messrs. Andersen, Beck, Bryant, Cartiger, Dixon, Grinnell, Hansen, .Loomis, Swarth and Wheeler; Mesdames Allen, Culver, Ferguson, Gunn, Meade, Schlesinger, Smythe. Visitors: Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Dixon, Miss Hittell, Miss Marsh, Miss Roup, Mrs. Roup, Mrs. Wheeler, Mr. Meade and Mr. Schlesinger. The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved, and the Southern Division minutes for March, April, and May were read. Miss Elizabeth Ferguson, Berkeley, and M. Herrick Spaulding, Montana Agri- cultural College, Bozeman, Montana, were elected to membership, and the names pro- posed before the Southern Division in April and May (fifteen in all) were approved. Miss Eva Griffin, San Francisco, was pro- posed for membership by Mrs. Allen. Business disposed of, the club enjoyed the privilege of listening to a talk entitled "A California Bird-Collector on South American Coasts and Islands" by Mr. R. H. Beck. Beautiful colored views were thrown on the screen, illustrating the life of the peoples of the different countries visited, as well as that of the petrels, penguins, ducks, cormor- ants, albatrosses and other birds. Ad- journed.-AMELia. S. ALLNf' Secretary. JuLY.--The regular meeting of the Cooper Ornithological C16b was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at 8 r. M., July 18, 1918. Dr. Evermann presided and the oth- ers preseut were Messrs. Anderson, Bryant, Cartiger, Dixon, Grinnell, Kibbe, Lastreto, Loomis, Noack and Tienor; Mesdames Allen, BIayney, Ferguson, Elizabeth Ferguson, Kibbe, K]uegel, Lueddemann, Meade and Vythe. Visitors: Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Ever- mann, Miss Evermann, Mrs. Roup, Miss Roup, Mrs. Thomson, Miss Thomson, and Mr. Meade. The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved. iss Eva Griffin was elected to membership in the club and the name of Mrs. G. E. Kelly, Alameda, was proposed by Mrs. Bessle W. Kibbe. A letter from Mr. Remington Kellogg, containing in- teresting comments on the wild life in France, was read by Dr. Grinnell. In the absence of Dr. Miller, who was pre- vented by illness from giving his talk on the fossil birds found in the asphalt beds of southern California, Mr. Joseph Dixon gave an illustrated talk on the life histories of the Pacific Horned Owl, the Long-eared Owl, and the Prairie Falcon, as observed in southern California. After some discussion the club adjourned to enjoy a closer inspec- tion of the skins exhibited and also of some very attractive paintings of ground squir- rels by Louis Agassiz FuerteS.--AMLA S. ALLEN, Secretary. SOUTHERN DIVISION M.Y.--Regula monthly meeting of the Southern Division, Cooper Ornithological Club, was held May 26 at 3:30 r. . at th home of Mr. W. Lee Chambers, at Eagle Rock. President Miller was in the chair, with other members .present: Messrs. Brown, Chambers, Edwards, Law, Moran, Morcom, Reis, Rittenhouse, Wyman and Zahn; Mesdames Law and Harmon. Visit- ors were Mr. Carruthers, and Mesdames Chambers, Edwards, Moran, Pratt and Wy-