number of species observed during a five- day stay at Palm Springs in April. A se- ries of meadow-larks, orioles and crossbills was on the table for general discussion and study. Adjourned.--L. E. WY3,XAN, Secre- tary. SAN BERNARDINO CHAPTER After a vacation of some months the meet- ings of the San Bernardino Valley Chapter began again, the first meeting of the sea- son being held at the home of Mr. Hanna, Colton, November 20, 1917. The subject for study was "Jays", and skins and eggs of several species were displayed. Wright M. Pierce, Judge Wall, Wilson Hanna and French Gilman displayed a number of skins, and H. Arden Edwards showed fine sets of eggs of many species, including some of the European Jay. French Gilman led the dis- cussion of the various jays in California and the United States, which was followed by a general exchange of experiences. Full justice was then done to the refreshments served by Mrs. Hanna. Those present were: Judge Wall, R. B. Herron, Wright M. Pierce, H. Arden Edwards, E. D. Palmer, A. F. Gil- man, C. Mabel Gilman, Sarah E. Gilman, M. French Gilman, C. G. Wiggins, Judge Han- na, Mrs. J. B. Hanna, Wilson C. Hanna, and Mrs. Wilson C. Hanna. The second meeting was held December 18, at the home of Judge J. B. Hanna at Colton. At this meeting the subject of ducks was taken up, and eggs and skins were in evidence. This proved a popular topic, and even the more lukewarm enthusi- asts sat up and took notice. M. French Gil-- man gave the results of a recent visit to Salton Sea to investigate the rumors of dead ducks along the shores of the sea. He re- ported that in following the water-line for 330 feet he found 185 dead ducks, 5 Coots, 2 Florida Gallinules, 4 Eared Grebes, 1 cor- morant, 2 Killdeers, and 1 small sandpiper. A meeting was held January 20, at the home of H. Arden Edward at Claremont. The attendance was not as large Es it should have been; for the sight of Mr. Edwards's collection of eggs and nests was worth going far to see. A real "norther" kept some of the people at home, but those present were glad they had braved the wind. Visitors present were George Willerr and C. D. Heg- her, of Los Angeles. Refreshments served by Mrs. Edwards rounded out a most en- joyable meeting.--M. FRENCH GILMAN, c- retary. MARCH.--The regular meeting was held March 17 at the home of M. French Gilman, Banning, California. The subject of grouse, and partridges was taken up and specimens of several kinds were shown. A case con- taining a group of Valley Quails mounted by R. B. Herron of Urbita, California, excit- ed much admiration. Present were the following members and visitors: Wilson C. Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hanna and Mrs. A. L. Hubrich, all of Colton; Judge Edward Wall, E. D. Palmer, Clifford Smith and W. D. La Niece, of San Bernardino; R. B. Herron, Urbita; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hegner of Claremont; R. Bruce Findlay and Dr. F. D. West of Beaumont; A. F. Beal of Long Beach; Mrs. C. M. Boss and Miss Mary A. Boss of Duluth, Minn. In view of the fact that some of the members were expect- ing to be in the field much of the time it -as decided not to hold any more meetings until next fall.--M. FRENCH GILMAN, Secre- tary. DIRECTORY OF MEMBERS OF THE COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB Revised to May 1, 1918 (Residence in California unless otherwise stated. Year following address indicates date of election; year in parenthesis indi- cates date honorary member joined the Club. Star preceding name indicates life member.) HONORARY MEMBERS Allen, Dr. J. A., Amer. Museum Nat. Hist., New York, N.Y. 1910. Henshaw, H. W., Biol. Survey, Washington, D.C. 1909. Merriam, Dr. C. Hart, 1919 16th St., Wash- ington, D.C. 1909. Nelson, E. W., Biol. Survey, Washington, D.C. (1904) 1917. Ridgway, Robert, 3306 New Hampshire Ave., N. W., Washington, D.C. 1905. Stephens, Frank, 3746 Park Blvd., San Diego. (1894) 1912. ACTIVE MEMBERS. Alexander, Miss Annie M., 92 Seaview Ave., Piedmont. 1908. Allen, Mrs. Amelia S., 37 Mosswood Road, Berkeley. 1913. Allen, A. A., McGraw Hall, Ithaca, N.Y. 1911. Anderson, Ernest M., 2524 Asquith St., Vic- toria, B.C., Canada. 1915. Anderson, Malcolm P., 2721 Buena Vista Ave., Alameda. 1901. Anderson, Dr. Rudolph M., Biol. Div., Geol.
Survey, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. 1916.