while the Alaska species favors more open places, generally on more level ground. Inspection of a tray of hummingbirds, swifts, and goatsuckers, and discussion of the same, proved an interesting feature of the meeting. Adjourned.--L. E. WYMXN, F.BRUARY.--Regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division, Cooper Ornithological Club, was held at 8 P.M., February 28, at the Museum of History, Science and Art. Vice-president Wlllett was in the chair, with the following members present: Messrs. Appleton, Bishop, Brown, Brou.se, Chambers, Enoch, Esterly, Hanford, Holland, Howell, Law. Little, Morcom, Reis, Rich, Shepard- son, Stormont, Tallman and Wyman; and Mrs. Law, Mrs. Howell, Mr. Webber, and Master George Willett were visitors. Minutes of the January meeting were read and approved. Miss Illo A. Winters, Arthur Herbert Norton, T. BoyeL J. Walcott Thomp- son, and E. W. Hadler, were elected to mem- bership; also, H. van Straaten, and Miss Edna B. Billings, whose names were re- ceived from the Northern Division. New names presented for membership were: Ed- mund Sllliman, Salinas, and Willard Hill, Wasco, Kern Co., Calif., by O. P. Silliman; W. B. Johnstone, Edgewood, B.C., by J. A. Munro; W. D. Richardson, 4215 Prairie Ave., Chicago, Emerson A. Stoner, Box 444, Beni- cia, Calif., and Frank C. Evans, Crawfords- ville, Ind., by W. Lee Chambers. On motion by Dr. Rlcl, the members ap- proved the action of the executive committee in re-appointing Messrs. Grinnell and Swarth as editors of THE CONDOB, and Messrs. Law and Chambers as business managers, for the ensuing year. Business Manager's report for 1917 was submitted and explained by Mr. Law. On motion by Mr. Shepardson the report, which showed unexpectedly gratifying financial conditions, was accepted, and a vote of thanks tendered to Messrs. Law and Cham- bers for their able work in behalf of the Club. There followed an hour of general discus- sion and inspection of a series of horned larks and flycatchers. Adjourned.--L. E. WYMAN, S cret/1,ry. MARCH.--Regular nonthly meeting of the Southern Division, Cooper Ornithological Club, was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art, March 28, at 8:00 P.M. In the absence of President and Vice-president, Mr. H. M. Holland was acclaimed Chairman. Other members present were: Messrs. Bish- op, Brouse, Daggett, Esterly, Hanaford, Little, Nokes, Reis, Rich and Stormont. Minutes of the February meeting were read and approved, and the candidates whose names were presented at that meeting were duly elected to membership. Dr. Bishop exhibited a number of recently- taken specimens of Rufus and Allen Hum- mingbirds, showing the similarities of the two species, and gave an interesting talk on them. A considerable series of study skins of Jays, Crows and Red-wings was inspected and discussed. Adjourned.--W. LE CHAM- BERS, Secretary pro tem. APmL.--Regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division, Cooper Ornithological Club, was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art, April 25, at 8:00 r..M. Pres- ident Miller officiated, with the following members present: Messrs. Bishop, Brown, Chambers, Colburn, Daggett, Esterly, Hana- ford, Holland, Howell, Law, Little, Nokes, Reis, Robertson, Shepardson, Stormont, Wyman, and Mrs. Law. Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Howell were visitors. Minutes of the Northern Division were read. Names presented for membership were: Miss May T. Cooke, Washington, D. C., by T. S. Palmer; Donald A. Gilchrist, Flagstaff, Ariz., and Germ Leftfield, Tuc- son, Ariz., by W. P. Taylor; Ralph Lawson,. Salem, Mass.; G. Franklin Brown, Needham, Mass.; Stanley Clisby Arthur, New Orleans, La.; Lombard Carter Jones, M.D., Fai- mouth, Mass.;' Gardner D. Stout, New York City; and Mrs. Jennie E. B. Webster, New York City, by W. Lee Chambers; John Zer- lang and Lawrence Zerlang, Samoa, Hum- boldt Co., Caiifornia, by John M. Davis; and Walter C. Henderson, Washington, D.C., by Robert W. Williams. A letter from Dr. W. P. Taylor, of the Bio- logicai Survey, in regard to the status of the Heath Hen and the Martha's Vineyard Reservation, was read by Mr. Law, on whose motion, duly seconded and carried, the Sec- retary was instructed to write the Chairman of the Massachusetts Fish and Game Com- mission for information on the subject. Mr. Chambers invited the members to hold the May meeting at his home in Eagle Rock. The invitation was quickly accepted. In the generai discussion that followed the business meeting various members told of recent collecting experiences. Mr. How- ell found the Yuma Horned Lark at Mecca in March, but Dr. Bishop was unable to in- clude it in a list of forty-two species found a month later at Thermal, which station is supposed to be well within the range limit
of this lark.. Mr. Wyman recorded the same