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A Magazine of Vetern Ornithology Publlfhed Bi*Monthly by the Cooper Ornithological Club Entered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the post-office at Ios Angeles (Hollywood Station), California. under Act of ConKress of March 3, 1879. Issued from the Office Of THE CONDO, care E. D. Dietz, First National Bank, Hollywood. California SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Dollar nd Fifty Cents per Year in the United States, payable in advance. Thirty Cents the single copy. One Dollar nd Seventy-five Cents per Year in all other countries in the International Postal Union. COOPER CLUB DUES Two Dollars per year for members residing in the United States. Two Dollars and Twenty-five Cents in all other countries. Manuscripts for publirtion, and Books and Papers for Review, should be sent to the Editor, J. Grinnell, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, California. Claims for ;nlssing or imperfect numbers should be made of the Business Manager, as addressed below, within thirty days of date of issue. Cooper Club Dues, Subscrlvtlons to The Condor, and Exchanges, should be sent to the Business Manager. For the PurchMe of Back Volumes of The Condor or of the Pacific Coast Avlfaona series, apply to the Business Manager. Address %v. Lee Chambers, Business lIanager. la1e Rock, Ios Angeles County. California. CONTENTS Notes on the Nesting of the Redpoll (with two photos) ......................... ee R. Zice 129 A Return to the Dakota Lake Region (dtued) ....... Florence Merriam Bailey 132 The olla Bolly 1%x Sparrow ................................................................ fdse ]ffailliad 138 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ............................................................................ 140 PUBLICATIONS RVIWD ......................................................................... 140 MINUTES OF COOPlak CLUB METINGS .................................................. _?_ ............ 144 COOPER CLUB MIMBRSHIP ROSTER ......................................................... 147 MEETINGS OF THE G00PER 0RNITfi0LOGI.AL CLUB SOUTHERN DIVISION: At the Museum of History, Science, and Art, Exposition Park, Los Angeles. Time of meeting, 8 '. ., the last Thurs- day of every month; or on the Tuesday evening preceding, when the last Thursday falls on a holiday. Take south-bound car from town; on Spring Street, the car marked "University", on Hill Street the car marked "Ver- mont and Georgia". Get o/f at Vermont Avenue and Thirty-ninth Street. Walk two blocks east to Exposition Park. The Museum is the building with the large dome. No Dwsio: At the ]Iuseum of Vertebrate Zoology, Uni- versity of California, Berkeley. Time of meeting, 8 . ., the third Thursday of every month. Take any train or car to University Campus. The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology is a large corrugated iron building situated on the south side of the campus immediately north of the foot-

ball bleachers.

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