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The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved and those for the Novem- ber, December, and January meetings of the Southern Division were read. Mr. Adrey Befell and Dr. Leggett, whose names were proposed at the last meeting were elected to membership as also the list of persons forwarded by the Southern Division, sub- mitted for approval. On recommendation of the executive com- mittees of the two Divisions, Mr. Grinnell and Mr. Swarth were re-elected editors of THE CONDOR, and Messrs. Chambers and Law, business managers. Dr. Bryant then entertained the club with a very interesting account of "the birds of Glacier Park." Adjourned.--AMELiA S. ALLEN, Secretary. APRIL.--The regular meeting of the North- ern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology of the University of California, Berkeley, April 18 at 8 P.M. Dr. Evermann was in the chair and the following members 'were present: Messrs. Cooper, Davis, Grinnell, Kibbe, Lastfete, Loomis, Trenor; Madames Allen, Barnford, Ferguson, Griu- nell, Gunn, Head, Kibbe, Kluegel, Knappen, Meade, Schlesinger. Visitors present were Mr. Austin, Mrs. Evermann, Miss Ferguson, Mr. Meade, and Mr. Schlesinger. The minutes of the February meeting oi the Northern Division were read and ap- proved. (The March meeting was omitted because of the crowded program of Semi- centennial week at the University.) The minutes of the Southern Division meeting held in February were also read. The name of Frederick Alexander Schneider, San Jose, was proposed by H. S. Swarth, and the names proposed at the Southern Division meetings in November, December and Jan- uary (fifteen in all) were approved. The resignation of Dr. Gibbons was read but was laid on the table as it seemed advisable that the club establish an absentee list and re- mit the dues of members entering the army. On motion of Mr. Lastfete, the matter was referred to a committee consisting of the President and one other member to be ap- pointed by the President to report at the May meeting. The Business Manager's re- port was read by Mr. Grinnell and heartily commended by the club. It was decided that the May meeting of the club should be held at the home of the Secretary on Sun- day afternoon, May 19. Miss Elizabeth Ferguson then gave an in- teresting account of the pollination of flow- ers by hummingbirds. Following the discus- sion and an examination of the specimens of hummingbirds exhibited, the club adjourned. ---AMELIA S. _ALLEN, Secretary. SOUTHERN DIVESION JAUARY.--Regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division, Cooper Ornithological Club, was held January 31, 1918, at the Mu- seom of History, Science and Art. President Miller officiated, with the following mem- bers present: Messrs. Appleton, Blshop, Brown, Calder, Chambers, Daggett, Enoch, Esterly, Hanford, Holland, Howard, Lamb, Law, Reis, Rich, Shepardson, Trenor, Wil- lerr and Wyman; and Mrs. Law. Five visit- ors were present, among them Volney Enoch, Mrs. Howard, and Miss Winters. Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved, followed by reading of the minutes of the Northern Division for the previous three months. Four persons whose names were presented at the December meeting were elected to membership. New names presented were: Miss Iilo Winters, R. 2, Box 53, Anaheim, by James A. Calder; Arthur Herbert Norton, 22 Elm St., Port- land, Maine, and E. W. Hadlet, Painesville, Ohio, by W. Lee Chambers; T. BoyeL Con- tinental National Bank, and J. Walcott Thompson, 527 East First South St., Salt Lake City, by A. O. Treganza; also two names from the Northern Division. In response to a communication from the Northern Division, it was voted that the Cooper Club should be represented in con- junction with the Western Society of Natur- alists at the meeting of the Pacific Division of the Association for the Advancement of Science. A formal canvass of the members disclosed no one who wished to participate in the program at that meeting. Election of officers for the coming year then followed. Dr. L. H. Miller was nomi- nated for re-election as president, by Mr. Willet; Mr. Law nominated Mr. Willerr for vice-president; and Mr. Shepardson nomi- nated Mr. Wyman for re-election as secre- tary. All nominations were promptly voted closed; and on motion by Mr. Law, the sec- retary was instructed to cast an electing bal- lot for nominees. Formal business ended, various members spoke briefly on recent collecting experi- ences. Mr. Willett reported having taken three Heermann Gulls lately (in addition to one taken some years ago), with white prim- ary coverts. and showed .photos of same. Dr. Bishop exhibited some interesting thrushes and song sparrows. His experience indicates that the Dwarf Hermit Thrush

keeps to thick brush well up the canyons,

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