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For lale, Exchange and Want Column.--,ny Cooper Club member is entitled to one

advertising notice in each issue free. Notices of over ten lines will be charged for at the rate of ten cents per line. For this department, address W. Iz CASES, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles CounW, California. FoR SALE--Bird-Lore, vol, 7, 1905, and odd numbers of vols. for 1903, 1904, 1906, 1907; vidiologist, vol. 1, no. 1.--W. L. BURNETT, ltate Agric. College, Fort Collins, Colo. Foa SALE--Bird-Lre, vols. 15, 16, 17, 18, orig. parts, per vol. $1.35; Birds of Austra- lia and Ireland, in N. British Review, 1852, $.50; The Story of a Bird Lover, W. E. D. Scott, $.75; Forbush's Game Birds, Wild Fowl and Shore Birds, $1.25; The Auk, vol. xx (1905), orig. parts, $2.00. Prices net.-- B. F. CASE, Tolland, Conn. FOR SALE--Nidiologist, 4 vols., bound (new), $5.00; Codor, 18 vols. bound and 1 unbound, $26.50; Studers' Birds of N. A, $7.00; Birds of the World, KnowItoh, $6.00; Nests and Eggs of N. A. Birds, Davie, $1.00; Bird Neighbors, Blanchan, $1.00; Wild Fowl of N. A., Elliot, $1.00; Our Feathered Game, Huntington, $.75.--I)A E. DAvs, Orange, California. WATED---Nidio1ogist, vol. I, nos. 1, 2, 5, 8; vol. r, 11; Osprey, vol. ri, 7.--0. Wo- A, 5105 Von Vetsen Ave., t. Louis, Mo. Boogs Fo SALE--Fisher, A. K. Hawks and Owls of the U. ltates in their Relation to Agriculture. A new, fine copy, 25 col. pls. Rare. Washn., 1893. $6.00. Coues, E. HandboSk of Field and General Ornithology. A manual of the structure and classification of Birds. 112 illusts., 8vo, cloth, 343 pp. London, 1890. As new, $2.00. Coues, E. The Birds of the Colorado Valley. Contains the bibliography, pp. 567-784, invaluable to any- one forming a collection of ornithological books. Wash., 1878; original binding and in good condition, $4.00. Nidiologist, vol. , $1.50; , $2.00; v, $1.50. All new in parts as issued. This is one of the early publications in which Cooper Club papers were published.--W. LE CHAatBES, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, California. WaEO--To buy first-class scientific study-skins of the English Sparrow [Pas- set domesticus and its subspecies) from various points throughout its range, both in the Old World and in North America. Spe- cimens must be correctly aged and sexed. Send sample of "make" to the undersigned, together with statement of price and quan- tity furnishable.--J. GrNELL, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, California. Ms. Jo LEWS CHIL)S, Floral Park, N. Y., has just issued a 150-page catalogue of his Natural History library. This library is rich in expensive editions and rare old sets of all lines of natural history, and is one of the largest in the U.S. Any one desiring one of the few remaining copies of this cata- logue, bound in cloth, may have one by sending $5.00 to--THE CHLOS PESS, Floral Park, N. Y VA.,o--Oologist, 1897, May and Dec., 1899, April and Sept.; Nidiologist, vol. , no. 2, Oct., 1893; Osprey, n.s., 1902, July; Au- dubon, Ornith. Biog., vol. 2; Coues, Second Install. Ornith. Bibliog., 1879; Oologist (Utica, N.Y.), vol. , nos. 1-4, 9; Zoe; Field and Forest; N. A. Fauna, 23; Loomis's Calif. Water Birds, parts 1-5.--B. H. SWALES, 78 lSth lt., N. W., Washington, D.C. AVIFAUNA No. 12 Birds of the Islands off the Coast of Southern California By ALFRED BRAZIER HOWELL 127 pages; published June $0, 1917 A detailed rexiew of the ornithology of the California islands: 195 species are treated; complete synonymies of each are gixen; contains tables of species by islands, a hypothetical list of 13 species, an exhaustixe bibliography, and discussion of problems presented by the island avifauna. This is an important contribution that no actixe ornitholo- gist can do without. Members of the Cooper Club may take the regular Club discount (50%). Price, prepaid, $1.$O W. LII CHAMBIRS, Business Manager

lagle Rock, Los Angeles County, California

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