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appoint. a member to co6perate with their committee, which' had been appointed to in- vestigate and report upon the destruction of bird life by the light-housea on the Pacific, Coast, was read, and the appointment, duly authorized, was left to. the Chair. On the suggestion of the President, it was moved and carried that the Executive Com- mittee of the Northern Division enter into communication with the Executive Commit- tee of the Southern Division to arrange for representation on the program at the meet- ing of the Western Society of Naturalists, to be held in connection with the next meet- ing of the Pacific Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. With the concurrence of Professor. Sny- der, the program announced for the evening was postponed, and the Club was entertained by a talk by Mr. Edmund Heller, field nat- uralist of the American Museum of Natural History, on his recent collecting trip in the Orient. His description of the lack of in- sectivorous birds in Japan, with no visible. detrimental effects upon the crops or for- ests, led to a discussion of the real expla- nation of this seeming discrepancy. Ad- journed.-AMELIA S. ALLEN, Secretary. SOUTHERN DIVISION NovEMrER.--Regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division, Cooper Ornithologi- cal Club, was held at 8:00 r. M. at the Mu- seum of History, Science and Art. Presi- dent Miller officiated. Members present were Messrs. Bishop, Brouse, Dickey, Enoch, Hannaford, Holland, Howell, Granville, Lamb, Owen, Rich, John Robertson, Trenor, Willerr, and Wyman; and Mrs. E. F. Husher. Visitors were Mrs. Bishop, Miss Brouse, and Mr. Volhey Enoch. Minutes of the August and September meetings were Pead and approved, followed by reading of minutes of the Northern Divi- sion for the same months. On proper mo- tion, the Secretary Was instructed to cast an electing ballot for Pauline Rodgers Young, Canille, Arizona, whose name was proposed at the previous meeting. New names were proposed as follows: Grace McCormac French, Carlton, Oregon, by Mrs. R. Bruce Hotsfall; Alfred M. Bailey, Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana, by Geo. Willerr; W. P. Stormont, Los Angeles, by J. Eugene Law; James George French, Victo- ria, B.C., Canada; E. A. Doolittle, Paines- ville, Ohio; and John Williams, Iowa City, Iowa, by W. Lee Chambers; Frederick Greenwood, Spokane, Washington, by Wal- ter P. Taylor. On motion by Dr. Rich, seconded by Mr. Willerr, the members approved the action of the Secretary in sending out postcard no-. tices covering stated meetings for the en- suing six months. Followed considerable discussion of the troubles of bird and egg collectors in the state of Utah. Dr. Bishop told recent col- lecting experiences in the San Bernardino Mountains. Inspection of several trays of owl skins proved interesting to all. Ad- journed.--L. E. WYMXN, Secretary. DECEMrER.--Regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division, Cooper Ornithologi- cal Club, was held at 8:00 P.M. at the Mu- seum of History, Science and Art. Presi- dent Miller occupied the chair, with the fol- lowing members in attendance: Messrs. Bishop, Brown, Chambers, Daggett, Esterly, Hannaford, Holland, Howell, Enoch, Law, Rich, Stormont, Wall, Willerr, and Wyman;. Mrs. Husher and Mrs. Law. Mrs. Bishop and Mr. Anderson were visitors. Minutes of the November meeting were read and /pproved. On proper motion the Secretary was instructed to cast an elect- ing ballot for the following names, present- ed at the last meeting: Frederick Green- wood, John Williams, E. A. Doolittle, James George French, W. P. Stormont, A.M. Bai- ley, and Grace McCormac French; also Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smythe, and Augustus S. Kibbe, proposed by the Northern Division. New names presented were: Volhey .A. Enoch, Tropico, by L. E. Wyman; Thomas D. Burleigh, Pittsburg, Pa., by W. Lee Chambers; and Mrs. G. L. Barnford, Oak- land, and Albert J. Kirn, Paola, Kansas, from the Northern Division. Dr. Rich moved that nominations, for the coming election, be made from the floor. Carried. Business ended, the usual informal dis-' cussions followed. Mr. Howell read letters from a man who claimed to have found a "red gull" dead on the beach--and sent some poorly dyed feathers as evidence. Dr. Bishop related recent experiences col- lecting birds in the desert, while Mr. Howell told of collecting mammals on the same trip. Judge Wall reported finding a nest of young meadowlarks in December; and Mr. Law told of a recent collecting and hunting trip in the Mogollon Mountains of New Mex- ico, also of receiving Thick-billed Parrots in the flesh from Arizona. Inspection. o[ several trays of woodpeckers, kinggishers, etc., completed the evening. Adjournd.--

L. E. WYMAN, Secretary.

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