led to think they are absorbing "scientific" matter. But it seems to me that this claim cannot be made honorably by any person or organization, unless the greatest possible care has been expended to insure scientific accuracy in )*act. This should be the prim- ary concern, rather than be secondary to speed of publication and length of sub- scription list. Better one thoroughly good book every ten years, than ten poor books discreditable to the science for which it is aspired to serve as popular int'erpreter. Popularization of a science is a worthy service, but it re- quires rare fidelity as well as exceptional talent.--J. GRINNELL. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS NORTHERN DIVISION OCTOBER.--The regular meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornitho- logical Club was held at the Museum of Ver- tebrate Zoology, Berkeley, California, on Thursday evening, October 18, at eight o'clock. Dr. Evermann was in the chair, and the following members were present: Messrs. Bryant, Carriger, De Greet, Ever- mann, Grinnell, Lastreto, Mailliard, Wheeler and Wright; Mesdames Allen, Ferguson, Grant, Grinnell, Head, Knappen, Newhall, Schlesinger. Visitors: Mr. Austin, Mr. Schlesinger, Mesdames Bamford, Lenfest and Wheeler. The minutes of the Septem- ber meeting were read and approved, and the August and September mlnutes of the Southern Division were read. Mr. Carl Lien, proposed before the South- ern Division, was elected to membership, and the following were proposed for mem- bership: Mrs. G. L. Bamford, Oakland, by Miss Margaret Wythe, and Mr. Albert J. Klrn, Paola, Kansas, by H. W. Carrlger; also three names from the August and Sep- tember minutes of the Southern Division. After a. number of informal notes on mi- gration offered by different members pres- ent, Mr. Dudley S. De Greet gave a talk on "The Breeding Birds of the Coronado Isl- ands". Adjourned.--AELIA S. ALLEN, Sec- retary. NovrBrg.--The regular meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornitholog- ical Club was held at the Museum of Verte- brate Zoology, Berkeley, November 15, 1917, at eight o'clock. The meeting was called to order by President Evermann, with the following members and friends in attend- ance: Members: Messrs. Bryant, Cartiger, Dixon, Grinnell, Hansen, Kibbe, Labarthe, Lastreto, Smythe, Squires, Wheeler and Wright; Mesdames Allen, Culver, Ferguson, Grinnell, Gunn, Kibbe, Kluegel, Knappen, Lueddemann, Meade, Schlesinger and Smythe; Visitors: Mrs. Bamford, Mrs. La- barthe and Mr. Schlesinger. The minutes. of the October meeting were read and approved. Mrs. G. L. Bamford and Mr. Albert J. Kirn, whose names were pro- posed at the October meeting, were elected to membership, as were also Capt. Gosse, Mr. Leach and Miss Young, whose names were sent by the Southern Division for ap- proval. The resignation of Mrs. H. C. Bry- ant was accepted. Mr. Squires rendered an eral report of the work of his committee in its efforts to insure the protection of non- injurious birds in Golden Gate Park. Professor Grinnell, the speaker for the evening, then described the Great Basin Avifauna as represented in California. Ad- journed.--ArLI. S. ALLEN, Secretary. DECEMSER.--The regular meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornitholog- ical Club was held at the Museum of Verte- brate Zoology, Berkeley, on the evening of December 20, at eight o'clock. Dr. Ever- mann called the meeting to order. The fol- lowing members were in attendance: Messrs. Bryant, Carriger, Davis, Dixon, Ev- ermann, Grinnell, Hansen, Heller, Kibbe, La- barthe, Lastreto, Leach, Mailliard, Snyder, Swarth, Wheeler and Wright; Mesdames Allen, Grant, Kibbe, Kluegel, Meade, Par- sons and Schlesinger. Visiters present were Miss Newlin, Mrs. Labarthe, Mrs. Wheeler, Professor Hall and Mr/ Schlesinger. The name of Mr. H. Van Straaten, Oak- land, was proposed by Dr. Frederick B. Da- vis. Mr. Lastreto appealed to Club mem- bers to support Mr. Dawson in his efforts to complete "The Birds of California". Mr. Lastreto also reported for the committee ap- pointed to investigate the effect upon sea birds of the presence of oil on the water to the effect that certain of the oil companies have agreed to instruct their captains not to discharge oil from their vessels. Nominations for officers .for the ensuing year resulted in the following names being placed before the Club: President, Dr. Bar- ton W. Evermann; Vice President, Profes- sor J. O. Snyder; Secretary, Mrs. A. S. Al- len; representative to the Associated Socie- ties for the Conservation of Wild Life, Mr. A. S. Kibbe. A letter from the Audubon Association
of the Pacific asking that the Cooper Club