Nov., t9oo [ THE CONDOR I2 7
New Races of Birds from the Pacific Coast BY JOSEPH GRINNELL. BARLOW'S CHICKADEE. Parus rulescerts barlowi new subspecies. Xubs. Char. Similar to P. rulestens nefflectus, but the sides pure smoked gray without a trace of rusty. 7'ype-- 3 ad., No. 4425 Coil. J. G.; Stevens' Creek Canon, Sauta Clara County, California; October I3, I9OO; collected by Joseph Grinnell. /-/abilal--Coast Range of California south from San Francisco Bay to Monterey Couuty. Parus rulescerts neglectus was described originally* as follows: "Similar to typical rufescens, but sides grayish, only slightly tinged with rusty, instead of wholly bright chestnut-rufous." Mr. Joseph' Mailliard has kindly supplied me with some fall specimens of typical neglectus from Marin County. These have the sides and flanks distinctly washed with cinnamon-rufous. Twenty-eight skins of rulestens in my collection from Oregon, Washington and Sitka, Alaska, agree in having the sides a pure bright brown, of a shade between hazel and chestnut. Therefore, in respect to this character neglectus is a transitional form between barlowi and rufescens. The habitat of neleclus is the coast region north of San Francisco Bay, at least up to Lake County. Typical rkscens occurs as far south as Mendccino County. The new subspecies is named for Mr. Chester Barlow, to whose energy is mainly due the recent spread of ornithological interest in California. COAST jAY. Cyanocitta stelleri earbonacea new subspecies. Subsp. Char.--Intermediate in size and coloration between (: slelleri aml C. slellerifronlalis. Dorsal surface sooty-black as in stelleri, but with blue on forehead nearly as extended as in fronlalis. Tint of blue of posterior lower parts paler than in stelleri, anti extending further forward into pectoral region, as infronla/is. 7_pe-- ad., No. 44i 9 Coil. J. G.; Sevens' Creek Canon, Santa Clara County, California; October i3, I9OO; collected by Joseph Grinnell. //dbi/l--Coast region $f Oregon. and California, from the Columbia River south to Monterey County. Lbr.v,s ste/leri was described$ by Gmelin as inhabiting "in sinn Natka (Latinized 'Nootka') Americae borealis." Therefore the type locality of Cyano- cilia sle//eri is Nootka Sound, which is near the southern end of Vancover Island, B.C., and not Sitka, Alaska, as I have seen stated. Cyanocilla sle//eri 1iloralis MaynardS- was also based on specimens from Vancouver Island, and so is a pnre synonym of stel/eri. Moreover the alleged characters of/ilora/is (barring of wings and tail) are very variable, and the extremes occur in all the Pacific Coast races of sle/leri. In the description of Cyanocilla slel/eri fron/alis Ridgway a type locality was not designated, but I have been informed by Mr. Ridgway that the description was based on skins from the Sierras near Carson. A comparison of specimens from the Sierras of Placer County with many from the mountains of Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties discloses no constant differences that I can see, and all are referable to frohis/is. I have not been able to examine any jays fiom Vancouver Island, so I have used Sitka examples as typical of sle//eri. Specimens from Seattle, Washington, are not quite so dark as Sitka birds, but yet are nearer sielleri than carbonacea. Many specimens from Salem and Beaver- ton, Oregon, are all strictly carbonacea. C. stelleriannectrns from Idaho resembles carbonacea somewhat closely, but the white spot over the eye distinguishes both C. s. annectens and C. s. macrolopha of the Northern and Southern Rocky Moun- taiff regions, respectively, from the parallel Pacific Coast races, carbonacea and frontalis, neither of xvhich have any trace of such a marking. The amount of barring on the wings and tail of the three Pacific Coast races seems to be equally
- Ridgway, Proc. U. Nat, Mus. Vol. I, }878; p. 43,
- Syste na Naturae, Tom. I, t788: p. 37 o,
Ocnitlologist and Oologist, Vol. XIx', No. a April, 88); p. 5'). Ame,-ican Journal ol ,'Sciences and .-M ts, 3rd :Series, Vol. %', t873: PP, 4!-44.