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Nov., 9oo [ THE CONDOR

We found no use for the rope as the face of the cliff was on such an in- cline that we could climb up to the nest which we proceeded to do. Starting from the bed of Boulder Creek which flows 3o0 feet below the nest, we made the ascent in a very short time. The rocks about the nest were covered with a growth of poison oak and climbing plants, and on the ledge below the nest were feathers and splotches of excrement. We saw no sign of the parent birds and in all probability they vere frightened away by the boys' previous visit to the nest. The egg was on the NESTING CAVE OF THE CONDOR. were quite a number of feathers and bones of small animals scattered about the interior of the cave.  The day was cloudy and Ihadtomake a time ex- posure in order to success- ,L. .: fully photograph the egg, which [ did, taking two ' views of the egg in the ' ' [ nest and two views of the exterior of the cave. Up-  . on developing the nega:   tives I found the re- .  . '.'* suits exactly alike in !oth cases, and the two photo- 'q' ., -' graphs are herewith pre- . sented. I wished very

  • " much to secure one more

view showing the cliffs and surrounding landscape, but the rain. coming on at this Photos b), P.l.. 6',,a,,ey time prevented the attempt. THE EGG AS FOUND IN THE NEST. The egg was then securely packed, and we decended the cliff, mounted our horses and returned to the rancho where we were hospitably entertained for the night. The follow- bare, level soil in a small natural cave running bout ten feet into the side of the cliff. The opening was about I8 inches wide and 26 inches high. There

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