Turkey, Mexican Wild, 55. Turnstone, 113. Tyrannus verticalis, 37, 64, 89. vociferans, 37. URIA lornvia, 71. VAN' DENBURGtt, J., notice of his "Notes on Some Birds of Santa Clara County, Cali- fornia," 12o. Vireo belli pusillus, 4 o. gilvus, 39, 66, lO5. gilvus swainsoni, 137. huttoni, 39, 66, lO3, 137. solitarius cassinii, 39, 66, lO3, Ig6, 133. Vireo, Cassin's, 39, 66, lO3, 26, 133- Hutton's, 17, 39, 66, o3, 137. Least, 40. Warbling, 7, 39, 66, lO5. Western Warbling, 137- Vulture, Turkey, 16, 63. WAGTAIL, Siberian Yellow, 113 . Warbler, Audubon's, 17, 4 , lO3. Black-poll, 114. Black-throated Gray, 9, 4o, 67, 91, o3, 133, 137. Calaveras, 40, lO3. Dusky, 40. Hermit, 19, 4% 45, 11o, 133- Hoover's, 133. Lutescent, 17, 40, 66. Macgillivmy's, 40, 67, 91. Magnolia, 40. Myrtle, 19, 40, 66. Pileolated, 33, 4o, 67, 9 I, 98, 133, 138. Townsend's, 4o, 67, 91 , 137, Wilson's, 114. Yellow, 17, 40, 66, 114. Waxwing, Cedar, 39, 66. Welch, J. M., Lewis's Woodpecker, as a Fly- catcher, 89. Willet, Western, 15. Williams, J. J., probable causes of bird scarcity in parts of the Sierras, 97- Wilsonia pusilia pileolata, 67, 91, 4, 33, I38- Woodpecker, Cabanis, 52, 91, 13 I. California, 33, 37, 52, 64, I36. Gairdner's, 37, 52, 64, t36. Harris's, 64. Lewis's, 34, 52, 64, 89, I36. Nuttall's, 37, 52, 64, Round-headed, 4. Wren, Dotted Canon, 133, I38. Parkman's, 40, 67. Rock, 40, 67, 133, 138. Tule, 4o, 67, Vigor's, 40, 67, 138. Western Winter, 40, 67, 92, I33, 138. Wren-Tit, 67. Intermediate, 85. Pallid, 138. XANTHOCEPI-IALUS xanthoeepalus, 38, 122. Xema sabinii, 7, 14. YELLOWLEGS, Greater, 15. Yellowthroat, Western, 40, 67. ZAMELODIA melanocephala, 66, lO3, 128. melanocephala microrhyncha, 128, 37. Zenaidura macroura, 16, 63, I36. Zonotrichia coronata, 3%,65, 87, 114. leucophrys, 38, lO7, 134. leucophrys gambeli, 39, 65, 114. leucophrys, intermedia, 38, 65, 87. querula, 145- (New races printed in HEAVY-FACED type.)