Gyrfalcon, II 4.
HABIA melanocephala, 39. I-Iematopus bachmani, 28, 43. frazari, 2,28. I-Ialieetus leucocephalus, I3I. Halocyptena microsoma, 29. Hareida glacialis, 7I. I-Iarporhynchus redivivus, 67, 138. redivivus pasadenensis, 19. Hawk, Cooper's, I6, 63. Desert Sparrow, I6, 63, 9 o, 36. Duck, x6, 63, 87, I3I. Marsh, I6, 63, I3I. Pigeon, I6, 63, I3I. Red-bellied, I6, 63, I3I, 136. Sharp-shinned, I6, 63, 9 o. Swainson's, I6. I-Ielminthophila celata lutescens, 40, 66 celata sordida, 40. rubricapilla gutturalis, 4 o, IO5. Heron, Anthony's Green, 5. -Black-crowned Night, xo, 5. Great Blue, IO, 5. I-Iesperocichla ntevia, 5, 4, 68, 91. I-Ieteractitis incanus, 28. Hinmntopus mexicanus, I5, I22. Hirundo erythrogaster, 39, 66. Howard, O. W., nesting of the Mexican Wild Turkey in the Huachuca Mrs., Ariz., 55; nesting of the Rivoli Hummingbird in southern Arizona, oI. Hummingbird, Allen's, I7, 64, 9 I, 132. Anna's, I7, 35, 37, 64, 9 I, 36. Black-chinned, 37. Calliope, 37. Costa's, 37- Rivoli, IOL Rufous, 7, 37, 43, 64. I-Iylocichla alicim, Ii 4. aonalaschke, 67, 91. aonalaschkte audnboni, o6. aonalaschka sequoiensis, I38. ustulata, 67, 9 o, 126. [CTERIA virens longicauda, 40, 67, 126. Icterus bullocki, 38, 65, x37- cucullatus nelsoni, 38. JAEGER, Long-tailed, IX3. Jay, Belding's, 38. Blue-fronted, 64, xo6, 126, I37. California, 45, 58, 64, I26, I37. Coast, 127, I32. Santa Cruz, 42. Johnson, H. C., in the breeding home of Clarke's Nutcracker,. 49. Jones, L., notice of his "Warbler Songs," 69. Junco bairdi, 3. hyemalis, 33, 39- hyemalis oregonus, 65, 87, 9 I. hyemalis thurberi, 39, 65, IIO. Junco, Oregon, 65, 9 I. Slate-colored, 39- Thurber's, 39, 65, IIO. KEELER, (. A., notice of his "Bird Notes Afield," 47. Killdeer, I5. Kingbird, Arkansas, 37, 64- Cassin's, 37. Kingfisher, Belted, 37, 64. Kinglet, Ruby-crowned, 67, 9 I. Western Golden-crowned, 4 I, 67, I38. Kite, White-tailed, 6, 63. Kittiwake, Pacific, II3. LAGOPUS lagopus, 7I, H4. Lauius ludovicianus gainbell, 39, 66. Lark, Mexican Horned, 38, 64, 9 x. Streaked Horned, 30. Larus argentatus, 7I. argentatus smithsonianus, 14. barrovianus, II 3. fuscus, 71. glaucus, 7I. maritimus, 7I. occidentalis, I4, 28. Leucosticte tephrocotis, IO 9. Leucostiete, Gray-crowned, IO 9. Limosa lapponica baueri, H3. Linnet, I37. Linton. C. B., nesting of Say's Phoebe in Cali- fornia, 9 . Longspur, Alaskan, H3. MeCown's, 79- Loomis, L. M., notice of his "Califoruia Water Birds, No. IV," 47. Loon, Black-throated,' II3, H4- Red-throated, 4. Lophortyx californicus, 63 86, i26. californicus vallicolus, 86, I36. Loxia curvirostra bendirei, I8. curvirostra stricklandi, 65. leucoptera, II 3. luzonieusis, 43. Lusk, R. D., parrots in the United States, 129. MAGPIE, yellow-billed, x37- Mailliard, J., a neglected point concerning the picidae, 3; measurements of the Santa Cruz Jay, 42; California Jay again, 58: land birds of Marin Co., Cal., 62; breed- ing of Agelaius tricolor in Madera Co., Cal., x22; another Blue Jay incident, 126. Mallard, I4. lg1980