maculosa, 4 o.
nigrescens, I9, 40, 67, 9 t, Io3, I33, I37. striata, II 4. townsendS, 40, 67,-9 t, "I37.- Dile, F. M.; the club collei:tion of birds, 69; nesting of the Piiie Sisldn at Denver, Colo., 73; nesting of the Eastern Blue- bird at Deriver Colo. 88. Dipper, American, 67. Dove, Mourning, I6, 63, x36. Drychares nuttallii, x3, 37, 52, 64. pubescens gairdnerii, 37, 52, 64, t36. villosus harrisii, 64. villosus hyloscopus, 5 2, 9 , I3I. Duck, American Seaup, 19. Fulvous Tree, x4. Lesser Seaup, 14. Ring-necked, I4. Ruddy, I4. Dugmore, A. R., notice of his 'Bird Homes,' t9. EAGLE, Bald, I3I Goldeu, I6, 63, 9 o, I36. Editorial notes, 22, 46, 72, 94, ix6, i46. Egret, American, x5. Elanus leucurus, I6, 63. Emerson, W.O., notes from Hayward, Cal., x9: Junco hyemalis at Hayward,Cal., 33: currenee of American White Pelican and American Avocet at Hayward, Cal', 34: occurrence in California of Harris's Spar- row, I45. Empidonax difficilis, 37, 64, 9 . griseus, 38. hammondi, 38. trailli,38, I32, 37. Ereunetes occidentalis, 15. Erismatura rubida, 14. Eugenes fulgens, Ioi. FALCO esalon, 7I. ..,. columbarius, I6, 63, I3x. mexicanus, r6, I3I. peregrinus ariaturn, t6, 63, 87, 3 I. rustic91us gyrfalco, I x 4. ..-' sparverius deserficolus, I6, 63, 90, I36. Falcon, Prairie, x6, x3x. Finch, California Purple, 38 , 65, 90, Io5. Cassin's Purple, to5, I32. House, 3 8 , 65, 9o. Fisher, W.K., a list of birds observed on Mr. St. Helena, Cal., x35. Flicker, 64. Red-shafted, I7, $7, 5 2, 64, 90, Io8, x36. Flycatcher, Ash-throated, x7, 37, 64. Gray, 38. Hammond's, 38. Olive-sided, 37, 64, IO7: I32. Tinill's, 38, I32, I38. Vermilion, 38 . Western, 37, 64, 9 . Fratercula arctica glacialis, 7t. Fulica americana, I5. Fulmarus glacialis, 7I. GALLINAGO delicata, 15. Gallinula galeata, 15. Gallinule, Florida, 15. Gavin arctica, xx3. lureroe, 114. Gedney, P. L., nesting of the condor on the slope of the Cuyamacas, San Diego Co., Cal., I24 . Geococcyx californianus, 34, 63. Geothlypis beldingi, 3- macgillivrayi, 40. tolmiei, 67, 9 t. trichas occidentalis, 4o, 67. Glaucidium gnoma californicum, 63, I36. Glaucionetta clangula americana, t4. Gnatcatcher, Western, 4 I, 67,. I33, I38. Godwit, Pacific, I 3. Golden-eye, 14 . Goldfinch, Arkansas, 35, 38, 65, 9 , I37. Lawrence's, 38 , 65 . Western, 63 . Willow, 3l 65. Goose, American White-fronted, 14 . Emperor', tt 3. Gosbeak, Black-headed, I7, 39, 66, IO3. California Pine, IO7. Western Blue, 39. Western Evening, 65, IO9, IiI, I32. Grackle, Purple, 77. Grebe, Pied-billed, x4. Grinnell, J., the Varied Thrush in summer, 5; early nesting of the Pasadena Thrasher, I9; against the general use of scientific_ names, 20; the Iutermediate Wren-tit, 85; notes on some birds of Cape Nome, Alaska, II2; new races of birds from the Pacific CoaSt, I7; notice of his 'Birds of the Kotzebue Sound Region, Alaska,' t4o. Grouse, Sooty, Io 9 . Grus canadensis, t14. Guillemot, Pigeon, 76. Guiraca erulea lazula, 39. melanoeephala, t29. Gull, Americau Herring, 14. Herrmann's, 29. Point Barrow, I3. Sabine's, Western, I4. 28.