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linaria, H 3. : .; .% ..,Aik, i,up,,. L., odd nesting sites of Samuels'

Aceipiter atricapillus striatulus, 63. ::,2 '.. ,, .-' :'; ,_S.[ parrow, x8: queer antics of a cooperi, x6, 63. ' ..... rsten Redtail, x8. velox, x6, 63, 9 o. "Auklet, Cassin's, 28. Actitis macularia, x5. Adams, E, notes on the California Clapper Rail, 3x. Egialitis hiaticula, 7x. voeifera, 2Eronautes melanoleucus, 37, x3x. Agelaius gubernator ealifornicus, 65, 87, x32. phoeniee'us, 38, 87, x32. tricolor, 38, 65, x22, x32. Aimophila ruficeps, 66, x33. Alle alle, 7 x. Ammodramns beldingi, 2. eaudacutns, 87. caudacutus beeki, x32. caudacutus nelsoni, x32. sandwichensis, 35. sandwichcrisis alaudinus, 35, 38, 65, x32. sandwiehensis bryanti, 65. savannarum perpallidus, 38, 65, Ampelis cedrorum, 39, 66. garrulus, 34. Amphispiza belli, 66. Arias americana, 14. boschas, 14. carolinensis, x4. eyanoptera, x 4. discors, x 4. Anorthura hiemalls pacifica, 4 o, 67, 92, 33. x38. Anser albifrons gambeli, x 4. segetum, 7x. Anthony, A. W., a night on land, 28; eggs of the Black Oystercatcher, 43. Artthus pensilvanieus, 4 o, 67, xxo. Antrostomus carolinensis, 77. Aphelocoma californica, 64, x26, x37. californiea obscura, 38. insularis, 42. Aquila chrysaetos, 6, 63, x36. Archibuteo ferrugineus, x6, 63, x3 x. lagopus,7 L I3I. lagopus sancti-johannis, x3. Ardea egretta, 15. herodias, 15. virescens anthonyi, 5- Arenaria interpres, ii 3. Arquatella maritima, 7I, Asio accipitrinus, 63. wilsonJanus, 63. Astragalinus lawrencei, 65. psaltria 65, x37. psaltria arizon*e, 35. Crested, ii 3. Avocet, American, i5, 34. Aythya affinis, 14. americana, 14. collaris, 14. marila nearctica, 19. vallisneria, 14. BALDPATE, 14. Barlow, C., Brewer's Blackbird nesting in cav- ities, x8; Sierran Crossbill in E1 Dorado Co., Cal., x8: nest and eggs of the Hermit Warbler, 45; nest and eggs of the Cali- fornia Creeper, 59; an outing into the Pyranid Peak region of California, xo3; some additions to Van Denburgh's list of the land birds of Santa Clara Co., Cal., I3I. Beal, F.E.L., notice of his 'Food of the Bobo- link, Blackbirds and Grackles,' Beck, R.H., an unusually high nest of Audu- bon's Hermit Thrush, x 9. Belding, L., a part of my experience in collect. ing, x; the Sierras in June (poem), 78; early migration at Stockton, Cal., 89; tape worm in young Mountain Quail, 9x; the White-crowned Sparrow, x34; are blackbirds injurious or beneficial? x39. Bishop, L.B., notice of his 'Annotated List of Birds' of the Yukon River region, 142 . Bittern, American, x5- Least, 5. Blackbird, Bicolored, 65, x32. Brewer's. x8, 29, 38, 65, 92, 137, x39. Redwinged, 38, x32. Tricolored, 38, 65, x32. Yellow-headed, 38. Bluebird, Eastern, 88. Mountain, 4 x, 88, 89, Western, 4 x, 55, 68, t38. Bobwhite, x3x. Botaurus exilis, x 5. lentiginosus, x 5. Bowles, J. H., nesting of the Streaked Horned Lark, 3o; the Northwest Crow, 84: nest- ing notes from Tacoma, Wash., Brachyranphus hypoleucus, 29. Branta berniela, 7 I. Bruce, R. E., Western Winter Wren in Santa Clara, Co., Cal., 92 . Bryan, Mollie, the little widow, 82. Bubo virginianus pacificus, 6, 36.

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