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Is the consideration in ANY financial contract, especially when the contract may run for twenty years--or more [into the future]. There are ! other things to be considered, but the first--and greatest-- is SECURITY. This security, rigidly demanded in any ordinary financial transaction, ! should be still more rigorously insisted upon in a contract of life assur- ance, on which the whole future of your family may depend. VVhat questions would you ask about a bank, a business, or any en- terprise in which you think of investing? () What is its financial ! strength? (e) What are its surplus earnings? (3) What dividends does  it pay? Carry the'same business sagacity into life assurance and the Equitable wili answer your questions as follows: L FINANCIAL STRENGTH. The Equitable is the strongest life company in the world. Its surplus is larger by millions than that of any other company. And surplus not only means strength, but is also the fund from which dividends to policy holders are paid. . SORPLUSEARNINGS. During the past twenty years the Equitable's surplus earnings have been larger than those of any other company. And dividends to policy holders cannot legitimately be paid until they are earned. 3. DIVIDENDS PAID. Since 89 o the Equitable has paid a larger amount in dividends to policy holders  thananyothereompany. Moreover, auringthepast seven years the Equitable has  paid each year, in dividends to policy holders, more than 2,ooo,ooo. No other com- pany can point to such a record. During the forty years of the Equitable's history it has achieved re- sults which have not only never been paralleled, but HAVE NEVER BEEN APPROACHED by any ether company during a similar period. Equitable Policies are to the assurer what Government Bonds are to the investor--the safest that can be obtained. Yet they cost no more 1 than any other GOOD assurance. Here is the actual result of an invest- ment in an Equiable Policy: The Largest Endowment Ever Paid. Fifteen years ago Mr. George Gooderham, of Toronto, took out is-Year En- dowment Policy No. 289,421 for IOO,OOO in the Equitable Life Assurance Society, paying an annual premimn of $8,382. Now his policy has matured and shows the following results: x. Cash, - - x5o,847 2. Paid-up Assur-nee, 2xo,ooo . 3. Annuity for Life, At the same time Mr Gooderham took out a policy of the same kind for the same amount and wrh the same prennum m another company; the cash return on which was x5,coo less than on the Equitable policy. Here is what Mr. Gooderham says of his results: "I have always been a strong advocate ot Endowment Insurance. and about the time I took" "yo'r policy for $oo,ooo I llaced $4o0,ooo of Endowment policies on my life in eight" "different companies. Of this amount $3o,ooo has already matured. I have lived to see" "the result and to know what it means. These results realized by the Equitable are larger" and nore sahstactory than any result ever realized by me on any "have matttred to date. I may say that they are quite satistctory, and that no company" "has ever done so well lbr me." If you would like to know what the result would have been in your own case, .end your age ande' the amount on which you would like to receive figures. Write for the figures no matter what part of the United States you reside in.

I'0tlClfS ISSUED FROM $1,000 I0 $200,000. Address 

A M I-IT'TT Ma-aer, Cl forula, Nevada o J.v-o ....a.s. and Hawaiian Islauas. Crocker Building, - - San Francisco, Cal.

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