THE CONDOR Vol. II JV[aine Sportsman VII, Nos. 84; 85, 86. Aug., Sept., Oct., x9oo. dVorth American Fauna Vo. [9. Results of a Biological Reconnaisance of the Yukon River Region: OeC 6, t9oo. .Voles on lhode Island Ornithology I, Nos. 3, 4- July, Oct. x9oo. Oologist, The XVII Nos. 7, 8. July-Aug., Sept.-Oct., x9oo. .. Ornitholoj;ischesJahrbnch XI, Nos. 4 and 5. July-Oct., x9oo. Osprey, The gV, Nos. xo, H-t2, June, July- Aug., x9oo. Our Animal Friends XXVII, Nos. xx, XXIH, Nos. x, 2, July-Oct., x9oo. Our Dumb Animals XXXIII, Nos. 2, 3, 4. July, Aug., Sept., x9oo. " Plant ll/brld. III. Nos. 6, 7, 8 and 9' June July Aug., Sept %0. ]'opular Science XXXIV Nos. 8, 9, .so,
Aug.-Nov., x9oo.
JPecreation, XIII, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5. Aug-Nov. x9oo, Snnset,V, Nos 2, 3, June, July, x9oo. IVilron Bulletin, No. 32, July, x9oo. }ear Book, Dept. of Agr,iculture, x899. Oficial Minutes of Northern Division SEPTEMBER The Club met at the residence of C. Barlow in Santa Clara with twelve members present and president Emerson in the chair. Mr. Chas. R. Keyes was present as a visitor. Six names were proposed for membership, as follows: Chas. R. Keyes of Berkeley, Miss A. F. Keefer of Oakland, F. C. Clark of Napa, Forrest Han- ford of Oakland. Win. L. Finley of Berkeley and F. S. Barnhart of Los Banos. The secretary presented the first draft of a proposed bill for the protection of all unpro- tected Californian native birds which was pre- pared after a conference with Senator E. K. Taylor. The clauses of the bill were carefully discussed and the completed draft ordered sub- mirted to the Southern Division for action. The scientific portion of the program was proceeded to and the following papers read: "Breeding of .4gelalas tricoDr in Madera Co., Cal." by Joseph Mailliard; "Nesting of Clarke's Nutcracker" by W. H. Parker; "Prob- able Causes of Bird Scarcity in Parts of the Sierras" by J. J. Williams. Upon motion, the next meeting vas voted to be held,at Palo Alto. Adjourned. l%OVEMBE R ' The Northern" Division met Nov. '3 at the residence of Theodore J. Hoover in P/lo Alto with thirteen members present and Messrs. F. H. Fowler and R. E. Snodgrass as visitors. Six active members were elected as follows: Chas. R. Keyes of Berkeley; Miss A. F. Keefer of Oakland; Forrest Hanford of Oakland; F. S. Barnhart of Los Banos; F. C. Clark of Napa and William L. Finley of Berkeley. The pro- posed Bird Bill of the Club was given its final reading and was amended by the insertion of an anti-poison clause as suggested by the South- ern Division. The bill was then adopted. It was ordered that Mr. F. M. Dille's offer of oo Colorado bird skins to the Club, as also Mr. Emerson's of 2oo skius, both be accepted, and that the work of getting together a Club col- lection be pushed. The secretary was natlied as tenporary custodian of such skins as might be sent in. Five names were proposed for active mem- bership as follows: F.H. Fowler of Pal6 Alto, M.P. Anderson of Mnlo Park; J. S. Burchum of Stanford; R. E. Snodgrass and J. F. Illing- worth of Palo Alto; action to be taken at the next meeting, Remarks were made suggest- ing a change in the over of THE CONDOR for its third volnine. Referred to committee con- sisting of W. O. Emerson, W. K. Fisher and C. A. Nace with power to act. Nominations for officers for the Northern Division and Club- at-Large for 9o were opened, resulting as fol- lows: for president, Joseph Grinnell; vice-presi- dent, H. R. Taylor; secretary, C. Barlow; treasurer, Donald A. Cohen. The matter of dr0ping the possessive case in common bird names appearing in printed lists in THE CONDOR was discussed pro and con. No action was taken. The September and October repor of the Southern Division were read and filed. The following papers were presented: "Nesting of the California Condor on' the Slopes of the Cuyamacas" by P. L. Gedney; "The White-crowned Sparrow," by L. Belding; "In Defense of the Chipmunk" by L. Belding and Ernest Adams; "Parrots in the United States" by R. I). Lnsk; "Occur- rence in California of Harris's Sparrow" by W, Otto Emerson. The Division adjourned to meet at the residence of E. H. Skinne in San Jose Jan C. BARLOW, Division Secretary. Official Minutes of Southern Division. SEPTEMBER The Division met Sept. 27 at the 5tldio of Roth Reynolds in Los Angeles with thirteen members present. Mr. F. T. Sehrive L was present as a visitor. Roy Pemberton of .Los Angeles was elected to membership. The name of E. I). Tredwell of Santa Monica was proposed by Mr. Chambers. It was decided to hold the annual Outing meeting at Mr. Wilson on Oct. 29. ',:In the matter of the proposed amendment to Sec. 626 of the Penal Code re- Iating to bird protection, the secretary was in- structed o notify the Northern Division of the general apprnval of the draft as prepared