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Nov., I9oo1 THE

rookery of the birds on Laysan Island, H. I. The complete Year Book consists of 880 pages. --C. B. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SUBSPECIES OF Jeleagris gallopavo AND PROPOSED CI-IANGES IN TI-IE NOMENCLATURE OF CERTAIN NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. By E. W. Nelson. (Auth- or's separate from the `4uk XVII, No. 2, Apl. x9oo) This paper is of interest to Coast ornithol- ogists in that it proposes to separate the flickers of California and the rocky mountain region from colapies curer, under the sub-specific name of Colapges curer coilaris (Vig.), the sub- species being "distinguished from true caJkr by its larger size, decidelly longer bills, paler upper parts, more sparsely spotted under parts and broader black tips to tail-feathers." The range or C. c. saguragior remains as before. Xayornis nigricans is subdivided into three races, of which Saynoris n. semiagra (Vigors) is ascribed to the "Pacific Coast of Mexico and the United States from Colima to Oregon, in- cluding most of Arizona." It is stated that the type localities of both Colapies curer rollaris and Sayornis nigricans semiagra may be con- sidered as Monterey, Cal.--C. B. FOOD OF THE BOBOLINK, BLACKBIRDS AND GRACKLES. (Bulletin No. I3, Department of Agriculture. By F. E. L. Beal, I9oo ). This is another of the excellent food bul- letins issued by the Biological Survey. The fro 1 habits of the several birds are gone into minutely, and in each case large numbers of stomachs have been examined and the con- tents tabulated in careful form. Notes from observers are also given, all of which permits of the possibility of making the deductions correct, so that the 3 ' may be applied gen- erally to any locality. The bobolink finds the balance against him, owing to the extensive depredations upon the rice crop in the South, aside from which the species does not appear to be injurious. Much evidence is presented for and against the blackbirds, the chief danger seeming to be in the localities where the birds congregate in great numbers, in which cases their capacity to do damage is tremenduous if the opportunity offers. This bulletin should be in the hands of every orni- thologist as well as every enterprising agricult- urist, that they may appreciate the exceediugly valuable and systematic work which is being done by the B!ological Survey for agricultural interests.--C. B. Mr. Joseph Mailliard presented a paper en- titled "Spring Notes from Merced County, California" at a recent meeting of the Section of Ornithology of the California Academy of Sciences. CONDOR x43 Publications Received DUGMORE A. RADCLYFFE, Bird Homes. (See Sept. review). KOBBE, W.H. The Birds of Cape Disap- pointment, Washington. (From 'The Auk' XVII, Oct. I9OO ). NELSON, E.W. Descriptions of Thirty New North American Birds, in the Biological Survey Collection. (from 'The Auk,' XVII, July 19oo. NELSON, E.W. Description of a NewSub- species of Meleagris gallopavo and Proposed Changes in the Nomenclature of certain North American Birds. (From 'The Auk,' XVII, April, I9oo. OSGOOD, WILFRED H., North American Fauna No. I8; Revision of the Pocket Mice of the Genus Perognathus. Sept. o, I9OO. SHUFELDT, Dr. R.W. Professor Colleft on the Morphology of the Cranium and the Auricular Openings in the North-European Species of the Family Sgrigidce. (Reprint from the Journal of Morphology, XVII No. I). VAN DENBURGH, J, Notes cn Some Birds of Santa Clara Co., California (See Sept. re- view). dnnual lqeporl q]C lhe U.S. Nlional Juseum I898. Aside from the formal report of the work accomplished by the Museum during the year, the volume is devoted to an exhaustive treatise on "The Crocodilians, Lizards and Snakes of North America" by Edw. D. Cope. .4 Review of Economic Ornitholo.y in lhe Uniled Stales. By T. S. Palmer (Reprint from Yearbook for I899). .4uk, The XVii; Nos. 3, 4. July. October I9oo. Bird-Lore, It Nos. 4, 5. Aug. Oct. z9oo. Billern, The i, Nos. 2, 3. Aug. Oct. t9oo. Bioloical Survey Circular zVo. 28. Direct- ory of state officials and organizations con- cerned with the protection of birds and game. Biological Survey Circular ;o. 29. Protec- tion and importation of birds under act of Con- gress approved May 25, I9oO. BiologicaLVurvey Circular .N. 3. informa- tion Concerning Game; Seasons, Shipment, and Sale. Bulletin o. z3, U. S. Department of Ag- riculture. Food of the Bobolink, Blackbirds and Grackles. I9oo. Bulletin Vo. 56, Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado. A second appendix to Bulletin No. 37 on 'The Birds of Colorad6.' May. t9oo. Bullelin of lhe Chicago lcademy of Sriences, Ii. Nos. IIi and IV, June I9oo. Journal qf lhe ff[aine Ornilholoical Sociely, II. No. 3, July z9oo. Lan'J of Sunshine XIII, Nos. 2, 3 and 4. July, Aug., Sel)t.-Oct., 'oo.

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