humid coast belt just to the west. Thus we have closely related but ordinarily rather widely separated races brought close together. Geographical variation within narrow limits of territory is always of interest. Oreortyx pictus plumiferus(?). PLUIED .QUAIL. This species is found on the upper slopes of the mountains in Transition. Its range overlaps that of Lop/ortyx calfornicus, which is found on the lower slopes. Unfortunately I did not secure a specimen of this quail, but it eems probable from analogy that the form is referable to plumiferus, rather than to pictus straight which is found in the hunlid area near the coast. Lophortyx californicus vallicolus. VALLEY QUAIL. This is an Upper Sonoran species which is abundant, particularly among the vineyards. It ranges a short distance into Transition. Zenaidura maeroura. MOURNIN(; DOVE. Abundant on lower slopes. Cathartes aura. TURKEY BUZZARD. Surprisingly common. Buteo borealis ealurus. WESTERN RED-TAIL. Not infrequently seen. They were particularly noisy. Buteo lineatus elegans. RED-BELLIED HAWK. I observed one only. Aquila ehrysaetos. GOLDEN EAGLE, A pair is reported to nest in some high cliffs near the summit. Falco sparverius deserticolus. DESERT SPARROW ttAVfK. Fairly common. Megaseops asio benditel(?). CALIFORNIA 8CREECIt OWL. I heard the well-known note of the Screech Owl, but saw no birds. Bubo virginianus paeifieus(?). WESTERN HORNED Owr. I know of this species only from the report of hunters who have long been in the region. Speotyto cunicularia hypogea. BUaROWIXG OWi,. This species properly belongs to the valley but it undoubtedly occurs on the lower slopes of the mountain. Glaucidium gnoma californicum. CALIFORNIA PYGMY OWL. I did not find this species, but it was very accurately described to me by Mr. D. Patton of the Toll House, who says he has seen the species on the mountain. Dryobates pttbeseens gairdneri. GAIRDNER WOODPECKER. This little woodpecker was not uncommon in the oak woods, Transition. Melanerpes formieivorus bairdi. CALn;ORNIA WOODPECI-ER. Conlnlon. ]elanerpes torquatus. LEwis WOODPECKER, I observed several in the Transition zone. Colaptes eafer coilaris. RED-SHAFTED FLICKER. Common. Phalenoptilus nuttalli californicus. Dr,SKY POOR-WILL. Several times, during the early evening, I heard the Poor-will's call near Toll House on the Lake County road. In each case it was probably the same bird. Calypte anna. ANNA }[UMMINGBIRD. Common at Toll House, altitude 2300 feet. Sayornis saya. SAY PnE. I collected a single specimen, the only one observed on the mountain. Contopus richardsoni. WESTERN WOOD PEWEE. I saw a few on the border between the timber and the chaparral belts.