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THE CONDOR ] Vol. II THROATED SWIFT. Oc4asionally seen in inigration. A flock observed at Mil- pitas Dec. x2, i894. (Beck). Selasphorus alleni. ALLEN'S HUI- IINGBIRD. Set n-2, with female, incu- bation slight, taken at Palo Alto May 25, 9oo. (Grinnell). Found nesting at Wright's in the Santa Cruz Moun- tains. Occurs quite commonly in mi- grations. (Beck). Conlopus borealis. OLIVE-SIDED FLY- CATCaER. A pair apparently took up their residence for the summer among the pines on the east side of the arbor- etum near Stanford University. I first saw them on May xo, x9oo, and the loud, resonant note of the male bird was heard nearly every day from the same perch whenever I went past to the University. After the 3oth of May I had no further opportunity of seeing them, bu't I have no doubt they were nesting. (Grinnell). Observed at Ber- ryessa in September, 9oo, doubtless migrating. (Beck). Empidona.r tra'[[f. TRAILL'S FLV- CATCaER. First seen at Palo Alto May x 4. (Grinnell). Found breeding com- monly along the creeks flowing into San Francisco Bay. The spedes pre- fers the thick young maple growths, where the nest is usually built in an upright crotch. 'The nesting season ranges from May through July at least, various dates being: July 2, '94, four eggs; August 8, '94. two eggs, May 22, '95, four eggs. anocitta slelleri carbonacea. COAST JAy. On Nov. 28, 894, I shot avery dark female Cyanocitla at Los Gatos, which 'Mr. Robt. Ridgway referred to C. slel- leri. It is probable that this specimen may more properly come within the intermediate race described by Mr. Grinnell as Uyanoci/ta s. carbonacea in the present issue of this magazine.. `4gdaius phceniceus. RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD. Mr. Beck informs me that a number of breeding specimens of ,4gelaius collected near Berryessa by Mr. F. H. Holmes and himself showed several birds referable to phceniceus. `4gelaius gubernalor californicus. BI- COLORED BLACKBIRD. Large numbers nesting in fields north of Palo Alto bor- deri.ng the Bay. Specimens taken in May. (Grinnell). Abundant through- out the valley in grain-fields and marsh locations. `4,elaius lricolor. TRICOLORED BLAC K- BIRD. On May 26, x895, I discovered a small colony of ,4. lricolor inhabiting a tule patch near Sargents, at the lower end of the county. The nests were just completed and were all placed about five feet above the water. But one nest contained a single egg. The cries of the birds were harsh, muchlike those of Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. On Jan. , 896, Mr. Beck and I observed several Trieolored Blackbirds in an immense flock south of San Jose. Coccolhrausles v. monlanus. WESTERN EVENING GROSBEAK. The occurrence and the taking of three birds of this alpine species is recorded for Santa Clara County by Mr. Ernest Adams. (Condor, I, p. 3, Mch.-Apl., 899 ). Uarpodacus cassini. CASSIN'S PURPLE FINCH. I shot a male in bright plumage on Jan. t, x896, five miles south of San Jcse, where it was found in company with a flock of junecs in a eucalyptus tree. ,4mmodram,s sandwichends alatdinus. WESTERN SAVANNA SPARROW. An abundant winter resident in the seed- fields and on the unplowed ground toward the Bay, usually more or less gregarious. ,4 mmodramus savannarum perpallidus. WESTERN GRASSHOPPER SPAR ROV . From specimens taken at Berryessa in summer, it evidently kreeds. (Beck). ,4mmodramus caudaculus nelson. NEL- SON'S SHARP-TAILED SPARROW. The only two specimens recorded from the county and probably from California, are two males taken at Milpitas, on the marsh, May 6, 89r , and Jan. 3 , 896, by Mr. R. H. Beck. From the first of these specimens Mr. Ridsway described a race to be known as Mmmodramus c.