Nov., I9OO I
THE CONDOR ity of noting the appearance of the lower parts of her plumage. The gen- eral colors of the bird were more sug- gestive of a tortise-shell cat than any- thing else I can compare them with. The point at which the bird flushed, and where the eggs were taken, was at the foot of a live oak tree on a side hill. The eggs were lying in a shallow de- pression in the earth about the size of a man's hand and no attempt whatever had been made to keep the eggs from direct contact with mother earth. The illustration from a photograph taken by Mr. Wicks renders further description unnecessary. DR. F. M. PAT,]ER. Zos Mn,geles, Cal. Some Additions ,to Van Denburgh's List of Land Birds of Santa Clara Co., Cal. HE list prepared by Mr. Van Den- burgh submits notes on iio spe- cies and subspecies of land birds observed within the confines of the county, but his notes having been col- lected chiefly at two points on the west- ern side of the valley (Los Gatos and Pato Alto), what may properly be termed the "floor" of the county has not been gone over, with the result that ninny of the marsh habitues and species frequenting the valley creek-bottoms have necessarily been overlooked. The author, however, has anticipated this in his list, and suggests that the list be completed by other observers. I have accordingly thought it well to publish a list of additional land birds from my own notes, being allowed at the same time to incorporate a number of records froln the field-notes of Mr. R. H. Beck, whose observations on the eastern side of the valley extend over a long period. Mr. Joseph Grinnell has also kindly permitted me to print his notes on several of the additional spe- cies, as observed by him at Palo Alto. In the following list the observer's name follows his notes, those so unac- conipanied being ]ny own: Colinus virglnianus. BOWHIa'E. This quail was introduced some years ago at San Felipe, in the southern end of the county, by Mr. Chas. Culp, and is re- ported to have done well. Circus hudsonius. MARSH HAWK. Breeds on the Alviso marsh. One nest found containing broken eggs (Beck). Buteo linealus elegans. RED-BELLIED HAWK. A set of three eggs taken by H. R. Taylor at Sargents in April, 896. Observed by R. H. Beck at San Felipe during February, 9oo. lrchibuteo lagopus sancli-johannis. AIERICAN ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK. Ir- regular winter visitant at Berryessa. One specimen secured and mounted (Beck). lrchibuteo ferrurineus.. FERRUGIN- OUS ROUGHLEG. Observed at Berry- essa as an irregular winter visitant. One specimen shot. (Beck). /-lraliazetus leucocephalus. BALD EAGLE. One shot near Coyote. (Beck). I ob- served a single Satgents, at the southern end of the county, on March I9, I899, flying rapidly over the ranges of hills. Falco mexicanus. PRAIRIE FALCON. 'Seen occasionally in winter. (Beck). One shot at Berryessa by F. H. Holmes. ]Palco pererrz'ns analurn. Duc K HAWK. Seen near13' every winter on the Alviso marsh. Known to breed in the county. (Beck). Falco columbarius. PIGEON HAWK. One seen at Berryessa Sept. 25, I89I. (Beck). A specimen shot in the fail at San Jose by F. H. Holmes of Berryessa and now in his collection. Coco'zus americanus occidentalis. CAL x IFORIA CUCKOO. Heard at Palo Alto June i-6. (Grinnell). Nests quite com- monly near San Jose in creek-bottoms. (See Atkinson, Cost)oR [, p. 95- Sept.- Oct.,.'99). Oo,obJtes villosus kvloscoptts. CAn_a- NIS'S WOODPECKER. I shot one speci- men, a male, at Sargents, Oct. 7, 895, frbm a noisy flock of several frequent- ing a white-oak grove. Meronautes rnelanoleucus. WHITE-