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July, 9oo [ THE CONDOR , 77

Indeed, study e'ver' poin/ on your ground-glass as you would criticise a plate of eggs in any scientific work. It is hardly nece.,ksary fi)r me to say that you are to turn that side of your speci- men or specimens towards your camera, that you desire to appear in the result- ing photograph. [11en all is ready, "stop down" your lens with a dia- a'nd its effect is shown near the left hand figure of the Pigeon (uillenlot's egg. If they happen to come on the specimen they injure the picture. All of the eggs figured in this article, were with great generosity loaned me from the very choice collection of Mr. Edxvard Cmrt of Washington, I). C., to whom my thanks are here tendered, Figs 4--9- l'hotogr. alfis of Eggs by Dr. Shufehlt. The three large ones are of the Black

qk[lllllltq' (]'/l_'ltllt'trlO16. Ill.rl't*); tle midt'lle small one (upper row) is of the Least Tern (A: attlil- 

h,t'ltm); the one next io it of the Purple C, rackle((?. qttist'thD, and the one below that, of the Ch uck-xvill's-u idow (.4. caro/imwsis.) phragn of the smallest size, and make an exl)sure frcln 2o to 45 seconds, ac- cording to the kindf subject you have. I use Seed's (lilt Edge plates (dry) 27 (instantaue(ms), hut they are unfrtun- ately not always free from air-hubbies in the glass, aml at any time .ne of these may rnin your picture. In plate I of the presetit paper an air-buhble not only fir the assistance rendered, hut more fi:r the extreme courtesy in which he 1)laced. all of his oological ma- terial at my disl)os,ql. Of the eggs in fignres --3 of this pa- per, Mr. C:urt collected the (lhat'[t's atrtr. while the two specimeus of the Pigem Gnillenmt were taken hy

the worthy editor of the CON!)}R on

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