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Publications Received BAn:v, Vgo. Revision of American Voles of the Genus Microtus. North American Fauna No. 7. IURNS, FRANK L. A Monograph of the Flicker (Colapies a,ratus). Wilson Bulletin No. 3 x, April, x9oo. CHAPaAS, FRANK M. Bird Studies With a amera. (See review.) PALMER, T.S. Legislation for the Protec- tion of lirds other than Game Birds. Bulletin No. x2, U.S. Dept. of Agricnlture, May, 9oo. BYrd Lore, If, No. 3, June, 9oo. ittern, 77re, I, No. x, Jnue, x9oo. Ihtlletin Vo. 2, Dept. of Agricultnre, May, 9oo. Chautauquan, The, June, 9oo. Land of 3)tnshine, The, XII, No. 6, May; XIII, No. x, June, i9oo. 3[aine Sportsman, VII. Nos. 8, 82, 83 May, June, July orth ,qmerican Puna, No. 7, June 6, 9oo OoloR'sl, 77te, XVII, No. 6, June, 9oo. Ortilho/qffi.whesJahrbuch, XI, No. 3, May-- June, 9oo. Osprey, 77w, IV, No. 9, May,.x9. Our ,4nimal P)'iends, XXVII, No. m, .}'une, 19oo. Our /)umb Animals, XXXII, No. XXXIIl, No. L Planl World, IIl, No. 5, May, x9oo. Popular 3ience, XXXIV, No. 6 and 7, June, July, x9oo. Proceedinffs of lhe /)e/aware Falley Ornith- olo. ffical tTub (abstract), x898--x899, No. IlI, Philadelphia, 9oo. Recreahon, XII, No. 6, June; XIII, No. July, x9oo. 3orts Mfieht, XXIV, No. 6, Jnne; XXV, No. x, July, x9oo. Sunsel, V, No. , May, x9oo. llCestern Ornithologist, V, No. 3, May-June, 1tS'/sou .llulh'lin, No. 3 x, April, Current Maoazines Mr. Leander . eyser bas contrib- uted articles on the birds of the Rocky Mountain region to ()tit' ln/ma[/3'iends iu several of its recent issues. Perhaps the most interesting is a sketch of the birds of Pike's Peak, Colo., appearing in the July issue. The June number of The Land Xnnshine contains some exquisite huln- mingbird pictures, together with an in- teresting article by Elizabeth and Jos- eph Grinnell. Bird-Late for June is unusually in- teresting. Robert Ridgway compares the song birds of America with those of Europe in an able article, and shows conclusively that we possess as brilliant, if not superior, songsters as do the Brit- ish Isles. Win. I,. Bailey illustrates the stages of development of the King- fisher from those just hatched to the bird about to fly, his observations form- ing a most interesting article. The Hs/ern Ornitho/o'[s/ for May-- June is the best number of this publica- tion'yet issued, and contains as frontis- piece a full page cut of one o its assoc- iate editors,--Carl Fritz Henning. Some remarkably good photographs of young birds are shown and the usual iuteresting articles fill out the nuluber. The May numl)er of the O.VSr O, is the last received previous to going to press. The serial article by Paul Bartsch en- titled "Birds of the Road," whiel has thus far run throngh five issues of the magazine, is a really charming essay and is without dout)t the popular feat- ure of the O.ro'. Mr. Bartsch writes in an easy, gracetiff vein and exhibits the true enthusiasm of a nature-lover. RoswE,, S. WnELgm of Alameda, a member of the Cooper Club. bas been appointed instructor in political econ- omy in the Alameda High School. FORREWI' HANFORD, formerly inter- ested in ornithological Work in the vi- cinity of Carson City, Nev., has re- braved to Oakland and will unite with the Cooper Club. JUNE 2 noted an interesting arrival at the home of Harold C. Ward in Ala- meda iu the shape of an heir nppareut to the Ward collection. Mr. X, Vard is receiving the congratulations of his fel- low melnbem with the dignity becom- ing his station, while Mr. Cohen has announced his intentions of ilulnediate-

ly fencing iu his heron preserve!

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