July, 9ool TltE CONDOR 87
Fernando, Los Angeles County, Oct. 28, 895, 9. With the ordinary markings of a female quail, but in color a light yellowish huff.--Sw.RtrI. /litleO borealis calurus.--Witch Creek, San Diego County. Some years ago I mounted a full albino lintco, probably ]Lb. calurts, killed near here.--F. S'r- PIlENS. In the foothills of Alameda County I saw an immature Western Redtail with several white secondaries in one wing. Spring of 899.--COHEN. Falco peregrinus anatum.--October 3, 899, Alameda, saw what I took to be a young Duck Hawk, with two white secondaries in left wing.--CoIV;N. [elanerpcs.irormic&,orus bairdi.--Palo Alto, Mar. 9, 898, 9. Outer edges of greater coverts, primaries and second- aries light 1)town or buff. Tips of these feathers more or less of the same color. This is fimnd on the right wing. The same color occurs on printaries and see- ondaries of left wing to a lesser extent. It may be well to note that in about (me-third of the specimens takeu here there are white spots on the outer tail feather, suggesting at once the xvell known black and white pattern timrid in many species of Dr_,obatcs. Spots may be present (3n either or both of the outer retrices and may involve the outer or both webs. The commonest style consists of two or three spots of white extending front the outer edge al)out half way to the shaft. These Sl)ots may be known as Vestigial Mark- ings and they point 1)robably to an ancestral bird with t)la'ck and white barred tail. Ca/75/c anita---Hayward, July o, i886 ?. Many feathersou head, and neck, and a few on back are white; printaries, their ctmerts, greater and middle coverts, and upper and lower tail coverts, white. ,qgelaits fftbcrnalor ca/(}rtictts.-- Mr. Emerson has a blackbird with one white feather in the breast. This feather is slightly rose in color, the bird being a counterpart of one described by me in Vid. III, p. 94. ,4elaius pha'niceus.--Phoenix Ari- zona, April 2, 896, ?. Dirty, yellow: ish white in color all over. Top of head and a spot on the back, rather darker. Exposed portion of primaries and tail-feathei-s nearly white. Plum- age very worn and frayed. Many pin- feathers, about the head and throat, have a decided pinkish tinge.--Sw.am. rpodacus mexicanus obscurus.--Tres Pinos, Apr. 2, 89o, ?. Coll. T. E. Slevin. Many feathers, at least one- half, on top of head are pure white; re- mainder of plmnage normal. ,4slra,al/nns lristis salicamans.--Red- wood City, Oct, 23, 895, ? Coll. C. Littlejohn, yelloxv of head and neck, and (lark portions of xvings and tail, normal; contour feathers posterior to the neck smoky xvhite, a little paler heneath. .4mntodramtts caudacutus.--I once ex: antined a specimen of this species in Mr. Kaeding's collection, having the back fieeked with white. onotrh'hia coronala.--I,os Angeles, California, January 25, x895, ? ()f a peculiar light golden color all over, with quills of middle tail feathers white, --SWARTH. ono/r/chia [cucolSr,l,x Dttcrmedia.-I,os Angeles. Tail feathers white with a dusky sul)terminal har.--Swxl'r. ./uttco hl,cmalis orc.ontts.--In January, 899, I took at Saint Helena, a junco having a narrow collar of white about the neck. /asserrlla iliaca unalaschccnsis.--Nut- chuk, Prince WillJain's Sound, July 896, 9. McGregor Collection. In this bird a few feathers of the neck and base of head are white. ]asscrc//a iliaca mc.,'ark'ncha.--9ooo feet, Tuolumne County, July 2, White, gray, and green, [sic] back flecked with patches of white; tail white above not showing beneath; wings blotched with white; two pri- maries white.-- KAEI)INq.
]V15ilo.lCuscus crissalis.--Mr. Little john