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THE CONDOR Vol. I I nizing such geographic variations. If the fi)rms from contiguous faunal areas are distinguishable to an appreciable extent, even if the differences are slight, as in the present case, I deem it advisable to indicate them by different names. It would surely be awkvard to designate the San Francisco Bay Wren-tits as phwa )<./bsciata or 'fas- clara inclining to phcea/" ('hamrea Jascia'la he, shaa,i, described from Walker Basin, California, is of the extreme pale southern form, and so be- comes a pure synonym of.fasciata, as pointed out by Mr. Osgood, and cannot be used for this darker fi)rm. There- [ore I feel warranted in proposing for the W'ren-tits of the San Francisco Bay region, the subspecific name intermedia. Tvv. of .Uhamrea fizvciala intermedia,  ad, No. 42 Coil. J. G.; Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, California; May 28, 9oo; Collected by J. Grinnell. DESCRIPTION--Back and upper tail-coverts, sepia, 'shading into hair brown on nape and top of head. Ij)res and small spots on upper and lower eye-lids, pale gray. Throat and breast, cimmmon-ruf0us, fading posteriorly into pale vinaceons-cinnanmn on middle of belly. Feathers on breast, with faint tinsky shaft- streaks. Sides, flanks and lower tail-coverts, brownish olive. Under wing-coverts and axillars, pale vinaceous-cinnamon. Wings and tail, clove-brown, the feathers with slightly paler edgings. MEASUREMENTS OF Tvv:--Length, 6.50 065 ram): wing, 2.37 (60 ram); tail, 3.40 (87 nlra); cnlmen, .45 (L5 ram).; tarsus, Lo4 (26.5 A List of nrecorded Albinos ! RICIIARD C. H ERE have been brought together in this list notes on birds either albino or with some w hire feathers in areas where they do not normally occur. Nearly all the notes have been furnished me by letter and the author- ity for each follows the description. For descriptions of such specimens as I have examined I am responsible. Twenty-three species are recorded, all from California, except the ,4,ffclaius from Ph(enix, the asserella from Nut- chuk, and the Ammodramus, the local- ity of the. last being forgotten. Thanks are due Messrs. I). A. Cohen, W. O. Emerson, H. B. Kaeding, C. Lit- lejohn, T. E. Slevin, F. Stephens and H. S. Swarth, all of whom most courte- ously gave me the use of their notes and specimens. - Oucrqucdu/a c.3,anoptcra. -- Tulare. Many o the Cinnamon Teal in San- Francisco market [ have sen, said to come from Tulare, etc., were very light, going so light as to be whitish buff and dirty wliiel ..In one consignment of say 5o birds noed about ten years ago over o,e half of them would have been worth preserving for peculiar plunmge. -:--{ O H F.N, MCi;R bX;oR Ra/l.s obsoh:lus.--Redwood City, Cal- ifornia, Dec. 2, 892. Coil. C. I.ittlejohn. The following parts are white: A few feathers on auricnlars and many on nape and top (ff head; secondaries aml outer web of third, fourth and fifth pri- maries of left wing; one secondary, outer web of second, fourth and fifth primaries and inner web of two primaries. Alameda marsh, fall of 896, a hunter had a California Clapper Rail with white in patches rather uniformly dis- tributed over the entire body so as to give it a gray appearance. Old hunters mention having seen several cases about the same.--COHEX. Lophort?t' cal(/br,h',s.--San Carlos, Nov. o, x896, c. Coll. C. l,ittlejohn. The pattern is nornml, crest and throat patch black; chestnut spot of breast pale; the remainder of plumage is buffy cream as near as I can describe it. I have mounted a fenrole quail, prob- ably L. c. va/licola, secured from San Francisco nmrket about ten years ago; of a uniform light buff color, 'the usual white-lined feathers of the under parts being buffy-white and in contrast With the darker color just described.-CmE.

Lophort3,.t' cal/brnitws va//ico[a.--San

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