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May, 9oo I THE CONDOR 67

o5 ])endroica auduboni. AUDUBON'S WARBLER. Abundant winter resident. Arrives about September 25 . o6 Dezdroica irescens. BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLER. Very rare fall visitant. Only two records. o 7 Dendroica townsendi. TOWNSEND'S WARBLER. Rare winter visitant. to8 Geolhlfpis to[111iei. MACGILLIVRAY'S WARBLER. paringly summer resi- dent. Earliest observed April 5. to 9 Geothlfpis t. occidentalis. WESTERN YELLOW-THROAT. Summer resident on the marshes. Rather abundant in favorable localities. to [cteria v. lonicauda. LONG-TAILED CHAT. Rare spring visitant. i H,5'lsotiap. pileolata. PLEOLATED WA}BLER. Abundant summer resi- dent. First observed March 26.  2 Dtthuspezsilvanicus. AMERICAN PIPIT. Abundant winter resident. 3 Cinclus ine_ricats. AERrCAN DIPPI2R. A pair formerly bred near the headwaters of Lagunitas Creek. None seen for.some years. 4 ,'Yfimuspol9Tlottos. MOCKiNGBiRD. One specimen taken by C. A. Allen. No other record.   5 [fariborh?nchts redivivus. CAtFORNtAN THRASHER. Notes heard among thick chaparral, but no record. 6 Xalpizctesobsoletus. ROCK WREN. Very sparingly fall migrant, except on rocky cliffs on (mean shore, where it breeds in limited numbers. I 7 T/rp,omanes b. Spi[lttltS. VIGOR'S WREN. Abundant resident. 8 Trolodg,tes a. parkmazii. PARKAN'S WREN. Common summer resident. Not very abundant. 9 lnrthura h. pac)qcts. WESTERN WINTER WREN. Common winter resi- dent. 20 Cistothors fi. fiaDtdicola. TULL WREN. Common resident of the tule swamps and marshes. 2 Certhia f. occidentalis. CALIFORNIA CREEPER. Common resident. Not abundant. 122 Sitta c. acuh'ata. SLENDER-BILLED NUTHATCH. Rare winter visitant at San Geronimo, but probably resident near Sonoma county line. 23 Silltt catadensis. RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH. Very abtindant in August and September 898, leaving in October. Never recorded before and not seen since. 2 4 Wittap, v,m,a. PYGY NUTHATCH. Sparingly resident in a limited area in Point Reyes district. 12 5 tarzt$ [zol'tt[z:$. PLAIN TITMOUSE. Rare winter visitor at San Geronimo. Probably resident near Sonoma county line. 126 DttYllS '. lCo'ld[llS. CALIFORNIA CHICKADEE. Abundant resident. 27 'haza.fasciata. WREN TIT. Abundant resident. 28 ]4valtrifiarts m. calfornictts. CALIFORNIAN BUSH TtT. Abundant resident. 29 ]co't,[lts s. o[it,accTls. WESTERN GOI.DEN-CROWNED KINGLET. Irregular winter visitant. Most numerous in early spring. t3o ]Gfftlt's ca[etdtt[a. RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET. Abundant winter resident. Arrives in end of September. Almost all males. 3  lVolioptila . obscrtt. WESTERN GNATCATCHER. Late summer visitant. Sometimes abundant in August. Stays a few weeks on its way south. 32 3[,adesles ta,nsetdii. TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRE. Occasional winter visitor on tops o[higher ranges during a very cold season. Never numerous; only re- corded three times. t33 [f,!ocichla ustulata. RUSSET-BACKED THRUSH. Common summer resi- dent. Our earliest record May 7. (C. A. Allen April 23. ) 34 ]ro('ichla aoalaschk. DWARF HERmiT THRUSH. Abundant winter resi- dent. At San Geronimo almost every specimen taken has proved to be a male. Earliest record September 26.

35 ,,erttla Jt. jSrojSinqtta. WESTERN ROBIN. Abundant winter resident.

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