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May, I9oo[ THE CONDOR 65

53 4orvus americanus (?) AMERICAN (?) CROW. (Seenis to be intermediate between americanus and caurinus.) Common resident; very numerous along the bay shores. 54 t,elaius. calt.'?brnicus. BICOLORED BLACKBIRD. Abundant summer resi- dent. Occasionally seen casually among flocks of Scolecophaus c3,anocthalus dur- ing latter part of winter, and probably sparingly resident in marshes on bay shore. 55 lg-elaius tricolor. TRICOLOED BLAClCBtR). Spring and fall nilgrant; sometimes passing through in great quantities, going north in May and June, and south in September. ome years not observed in fall and but few seen in spring. 56 Sturnella m. nellcola. WESTERN i'[EADOWI,ARK. Common resident; fair- ly abundant. 57 [ctertts bttllocki. BULLOCK'S ORIOLE. Common summer resident. Abund- ant in some parts. Earliest record April 8. 58 Scolecophaus c),anocephalts. BREWER'S BI,:XClCBRt). Very abundant res- ident. 59 Uoccothraustcs v. raoulanus. WESTERN EVENING GROSBEAK. Exceedingly rare visitant. One in collection taken near Olema in November, and has been re- ported as seen on one or two occasions; probably accidental. 60 CarI5odacus p. cal(/ornicns. CALIVORNIA PtRPE FtNC. Common resi- dent; rather abundant. 6t Uarpodacns m..??ontalis. HotsE FIx. Very abundant summer resident, and sparingly in winter in some warmer spots. 6 Lo'ia c. slricklaitd' (?) MEXICAN' (?) CROSSBILL. (Seenis to be intermed- iate between minor aud stricklandi.) Occasional winter visitant. Comes in flocks and does not remain long. 63 Mstra, ffalinust. salicamans. ILLOXV GOI,DFINCH. Con,mort summer resi- dent in some portions of county; not abundant. 64 4stro. e-alinuspsaltria. ARIC.XN'SAS GOLr)FINCI. Resident; abundant in summer, sparingly in winter. 65 ,4stra.ffalittts /aa'rt'tct'i. LAWRENCE's GOI,I)FINCH. Summer resident; s(me years abundant and other years rare; arrives about May o. 66 b)Sinuspinus. PI,E SISlCI. Resident. Abundant in large flecks in win- ter; scattered in breeding season. 67 ,4mmodramus s. alaudinus. WESTERN SAVANNA SPARROW. Abundant winter resident. 68 tmodramts s. brvattL BRYANT'S IARSH SPARROV. Resident iin mar- shes along San Francisco Bay. 69 ,4mmodramuss. peallidus. WESTERN GRASSHOPPER SPARROW. Spar- ingly summer resident. 7 ('ho#dcslesA,'. strt.'alt/s. 3.'ESTERN LARK SPARROW. Abundant resident. 7  Zotwtrichia /. ittrrmedia. INTER.MEDIATE SPARROW. Reported by C.A. Allen. We have never taken any in this county. 72 Xottotrichia l.g-ambc/i. GABEL'S SPARROW. Very abundant resident in winter, but in breeding season only found among the lupins of the Point Reyes region. Comes to San Geroniulo, which is about x5 miles from the breeding ground, in September and leaves in end of April. 73 Zonotrirhia coront, ta. G-OLDEN-CROWNED SPARROV. Abundant winter resident. Arrives in September and leaves in April. 74 Spizclla s. ariz'otce. WESTERN CttIt'PIN(; SPARROW. Abundant summer resident. 75 [tnco h. ore.,o'ons. ORE(;OXJt'NCO. Abundant winter resident. Arrive in latter part of September and leave in April. 76 Jnnco h. /hurberi. TIt:nBER'S Jt*NCO. Occasional summer resident. Nest and parent found and given to us, but bird almost destroyed and eggs nearly hatched. Apparently thurberi. Adult and juvenile seen in July and August,

but none taken. Presumably thttrbcri.

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