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27 Cerl'[e a/cl,ot. BELTED KINGFISHER. Common resident; not very numerous. 28 Dr.,obales'v. harrisit'. HARRIS' WOODPECKER. Common resident; not very abundant. 29 Dr. vobatesfi..grairdnerii GAIRDNER'S WOODPECKER. Common resident; rather numerous. 30 Drg,obates nuttlli. UTTALL'S WOODVEC:ER. Exceedingly rare visit- ant in major portion of county, but more numerous near northern boundary. 3 t Sfihyrapicusv. nuthalls. RED-NAPED SAPSUCKER. Very rare visitant. Three specimens taken at San Geronimo; no further record. 32 Sfih, l,rafiictts ruber. RED-BREASTED SAPS['CKER. Common resident in winter. Never very numerous; mostly fenroles. Out of twenty-seven specimens taken by us ill the last four years only five were males. 33 zk/elawrpes.? bairdi. CALtFORSAN WOOm'EC:ER. Common resident. Not very numerous except near northern boundary. 34 :elanerfies torquatus. LEWS' WOODPECKER. Occasional visitant. No breeding record. 35 Colafiles auralus. F,tCtER. We have taken one or two specimens of Co- lafiles in winter that are ahnost typical aEratEs. The cross breeds between aEratEs and caret are comparatively numerous in winter, showing every possible combin- ation. 36 Colafiles cq/Cer. RED-SltAFTED FI,ICKER. Abundantly resident. In winter some specimens approach saDtralior. 37 ?ha[renofitiltts n. caDfornictts. Dr, stoy POOR-WHir,. Sparingly resident in rocky parts of the county. 38 Chaetttra vaxii. VAUX'S SWIF'P. Abundant at times; breeds sparinlgly; probably resident in limited numbers. 39 Ca[,lsbte anna. AN,X-.a'S ttUI.XGmRD. Sparingly resident in winter, bur very numerous in spring and summer. Breeds very extensively through a long season. 4 Se[asfihorls rlt. ftq. RUFOUS Ht>,XnNC;BRD. Abundant immigrant in early spring. Breeds sparingly and not very abundant in summer. 4 t Selasfihorusalleni. ALEN'S Ht',INC;BRD. Sparingly (?) resident in winter, but breeds abundantly from February to July. Have taken none in early winter, but have seen some in San Rafael that were apparently of this species. 42 T.l, ranzus verlicalis. ARKANSAS KINGBrRD. Common summer resident. Breeds abundantly. Earlies{ record April 4. 43 ,l'iarchtts cinerascens. ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER. (onunon sumnler resident; not very abundant. Earliest record April rS. 44 Sa?ornis sa_,a. SAY'S PHOEBE. Sparingly winter resident. 45 Sa),orzis ntg'ricans. BLACK PHOEBE. Common residelit; comparatively abundant.

46 ContopEs borealis. OLtVE-SDED F/,VCATCHER. Sparingly summer resi- 

dent in firs and redwoods. Earliest record April 28. 47 Conlofius richardsonii. WESTERN WOOD PEWEE. Abundant summer res- ident. Earliest record April 26. 48 Empidonax dSfficih's. WESTERN F,VCATCtER. Abundant summer resi- dent. Earliest record March 30. 49 Otocoris a. chrysola?nta. MEXCA HORNED I,ARt. Sparingly residelit in certain Iocalitis. 5 Cl,anocilla s..fronlalis. Bkt:E-FIONTED JAY. (An intermediate form be- tween s/e/let/and s. frontah's.) Very abundant resident among the fir and redwood forests. 5 Mfihelocoma calfornica. CALiFORniA JAy. Very abundant resident. 52 Corz,tts c. sinttaDts. ASIERICAN RAVEN. Sparingly residelit; scattered pairs

inhal)iting certain fixed localities.

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