THE CONDOR Vol. II Official Minutes of Northern Division. JANUARY. The Annual Meeting was held at the home of C. Barlow in Santa Clara, Cal., Jail. 6, with an attendance of sixteen. The following pa- pers were read: "Casual Observations on a Colony of Black-crowned Night Herons," by D. A. Cohen; "Woodpeckers of the Upper Sa- linas Valley," by Chas. S. Thompson; "Nest- ing of the California Clapper Rail," by Eruest Adams; "A Neglected Point Concerning the Picidce," byJos. Mailliar& "A History of My Life, by Chondestes rammacus striatus," by W. L. Atkinson. A paper on the "Summer .Home of the Varied Thrush," by Jos. Grinnell of the Southern Division was read. Mr. Cohen gave the annual report of the treasurer. The election of officers for I0OO re- suited as follows: President, W. Otto Emer- son: Vice President, Theodore J. Hoover: Sec- retary, C. Barlow: Treasurer, Donald A. Cohen. The president appointed the incumbent editor- ial force for x9oo, as follows: Editor-in-Chief, C. Barlow; Associate, H. R. Taylor: Business Manager, D. A. Cohen. A Publication Com- mittee for the publication of memoirs was ap- pointed as follows for the Northern Division: Theodore J..Hoover, Richard C. McGregor, Jos. Mailliard, W. O. Emerson and C. Barlow. Chas. S. Thompson of Stanford University, Chas. A. Nace of Santa Clara, E. H. Skinner of San Jose and Lloyd T. Stephenson of Vinton were proposed for active membership. A res- olution of thanks to Mr. Lyman Belding for the donation of two volumes of Alaskan Or- nithology to the Club, was passed. A bill of 4.IO for postage was allowed the secretary. The meeting repaired to the dining room, where, between courses, the annual address was delivered by the president, Mr. Emerson. The Division meets March 3 at the home of W. Otto Emerson at Haywards. C. BARLOW, Secretary. Official Minutes o[ Southern Division. Southern Division met on Nov. 2q, 809, at the residence of Mr. F. S. Duggert in Pasadena. Presideut McCormick presided. Twelve ritetu- bers were present. Messrs. G. E. Little, Dr. Coffin, F. Grinnell and W. Moody were pres- ent as visitors. Mr. Roth Reynolds of Los An- geles was elected to membership. Mr. Grin- nell proposed the names of G. E. Little and Dr. Coffin of Whittier for membership. In the matter of a Publication Committee, as pro- posed by the Northern Division, it was decided to elect three members to serve on such com- mittee. Messrs. Grinnell, Duggert and Rob- ertson were nominated. For the nomination of officers for the ensuing year, on motion of Mr. Grinnell, it was decided to re-nominate the old board of officers which stands,--For President, A. I. McCormick; Vice President, F.S. Daggett; Secretary, Howard Robertsoil; Treasurer, H. S. Swarth; Business Manager, A. I. McCormick; Associate Editor, Howard Rob- ertson. It was arranged to hold the annual banquet on Dee. a8. Mr. Daggett very kindly offered his residence as a meeting place, which was accepted with thanks. Mr. Grinnell gave two papers,--an answer to Mr. MeGregor's "Plea for .the General Use of Scientific Names," and "The Varied Thrush in Summer." He exhib- ited eight skins of the Varied Thrush, six ad/dts and two juveniles, three nests and a series of forty-four eggs of same species. He also exhibited specimens of Rock and Willow Ptarmigan in both winter and summer plum- ages, and skins of Golden Plover and Canada Grouse. Dr. Coffin, who was a member of the same party as Mr. Grinnell, related several an- ecdotes of the trip. The receipt of a paper from the Northern Division was acknowledged but was not read for want of time. DECEMBER. The Annual Meeting of the Southern Di- vision was held Dee. 28, I899, at the residence of Mr. F. S. Duggert, Pasadena. There were sixteen members present. Messrs. Little, Cof- fin and Cormant were present as visitors. Dr. G. V. Coffin and G. E. Little were elected to membership. Officers for ensuing year were elected as follows: A. I. McCormick, President; F. S. Duggert, Vice President Howard Robert- SOB, Secretary; H. S. Swarth, Treasurer; As- sociate Editor, Howard Robertson; Business Manager, A. I. McCormick; Publication Com- mittee, F. S. Daggett. Jos. Grinnell and How- ard Robertson. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were read and copies ordered filed. The treasurer's report showed a balance of on hand. The meeting adjourned to the ban- quet room where several papers were read. HOWARD ROBERTSON, Sec'y. Publications Received. Chapsnan, Frank' M. Report on Birds Re- ceived through the Peary Expedition to Green- land. [Extract froin the Bulletin of the Ameri- can Museum of Natural History. Vol. XII. Article XVII, pp. ax9-a44. Dec. a3, I899.] Chapsnan, Frank M. Description of Two New Subspecies of Colymbus dominicus Linn. [Extract from Bulletin of the American Muse- um of Natural History Vol. XII, pp. 2'55-256. ] Rothschild, Hon. Walter, and Ernst Har- terr. A Review of the Ornithology of the Galapagos Islands; with Notes on the Webster- Harris Expidition. [From Vovitates Zool- ogicce. Vol. VI. August, 899. ] .duk., The, XVI, Nos. I-4, I899. I,rd-Lore, I, No. 6, Dee., i899. ][;nine Sportsman, VII, Nos. 75-76, Nov., Dee., i899. J/[useum, VI, Nos. I-a, Nov., Dec., i899. Oologist, XVI, No. H-a. Nov., Dee., 89. Osprey, IV, Nos. 3-4, Nov., Dee., 899. Plant U/or/d, II, No. In, Sept., I899. Popular Xcience, XXXIV, No. x, Jan.,x9oo. Recreation, XI, No. 6, Dec., x899. Report of the U.S. National Museum for x87. Part I. (Issued x899.) Sports tfield, XXIII, No. 6, Dec., x899. XXIV, No. I, Jan., x9oo. Sunset, IV, No. I-2, Nov., Dec., x899.
14qlson ]guiletin, No. a9, Nov., 30, x899.