K Kennedy, C. H., some factors involved in the nesting habit of birds, 87 Killdeer, 32, 59, 134, 143, 158 Kingbird, Cassin, 158, 163 Eastern, 136 Western, 36, 58, 133, 136, 170 Kingfisher, Belted, 9, 35, 91, 136, 148, 162 Western Belted, 22, 60 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned, 33, 42, 140 Western Golden-crowned, 42, 47, 50 Kitchin, E. A., the black-looted albatross off the coast of Washington, 167 Kite, White-tailed, 170, 185 Ladd, N.M., review of his "how to make friends with birds", 144 Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides, 41, 139 ludovicianus gambeli, 25, 61 Lanivireo solitarius cassini, 41, 139, 164 Lark, California Horned, 60, 156, 169 Desert Horned, 36, 137, 163 Dusky Horned, 133 Larus californicus, 133, 177 delawarensis, 177 occidentalis, 58, 71, 133 Law, J. E., notes on the Arizona spotted owl, 69 Linaria cyanea, 171 Linnet, California, 60 Lobipes lobatus, 32 Longspur, 79 Loon, Common, 30 Pacific, 15 Red-throated, 15 Lophodytes cucullatus, 68, 143 Lophortyx californica californica; 59, 135 californica vallicola, 23, 173, 187 Loxia curvirostra minor, 138 curvirostra sitkensis, 17 Lunda cirrhata, 58, 71 M Magpie, 37, 137, 143 Black-billed, 121 Mailliard, E. C., a portable nest, 166 Mailliard, Joseph, the hooded merganser in Stanislaus county, California, 68; concerning two forms of the Bryant marsh sparrow in California, 69; to- view of A. B. Howell's "birds of the islands off the coast of southern Cali- fornia", 172 Mallard, 24, 30, 59, 121, 125, 133, 141, 143, 157, 158 Mareca americana, 30, 85, 142 penelope, 142 Marila affinis, 59 americana, 134 marila, 141 valisineria, 87 Meadowlark, Western, 39, 60, 126, 137, 155 Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi, 69, 103 Melospiza lincolni gracilis, 130 lincolni lincolni, 40, 130, 138 melodia caurina, 16 melodia merrilli, 138 melodia montana, 40 melodia pusillula, 61 melodia rufina, 16 melodia santaecrucis, 61 Merganser, 133 Hooded, 68, 143 Red-breasted, 16, 30 Mergus americanus, 133 serratot, 16, 30 Mimus polyglottos leucopterus, 164 Mitchell, H. H., peculiar nesting habits of the avocet, 101 Mockingbird, Western, 158, 164 Molothrus ater ater, 37, 137 Murre, California, 58, 71, 172 Murrelet, Xantus, 173 Myadestes townsendi, 14 Myiarchus cinerascens cinerascens, 136 Myiochanes richardsoni richardsoni, 36, 136, 169 Nannus hiemalis pacificus, 140 Nettion carolinerise, 30 Nighthawk, Pacific, 73, 169 Texas, 159 Western, 36 Nokes, I. D., western grebe breeding in southern California, 24; vermilion fly- catcher near Los Angeles, 25 Nucifraga columbiana, 37, 137, 149, 163 Nutcracker, Clarke, 37, 133, 137, 149, 163 Nuthatch, Pigmy, 103, 133, 140 Red-breasted, 103, 140 Rocky Mountain, 103, 140, 164 Slender-billed, 140 Nuttallornis borealis, 36, 60, 170 Nyctea nyctea, 24, 127 Nycticorax nycticorax naevius, 134, 142 O Oberholser, H. C., the number of species and subspecies of birds in Texas, 68; the status of Aphelocoma cyanotis and its allies, 94; a new subspecies of Geothlypis beldingi, 182 Oceanodroma furcata, 141 homochroa, 58 kaedingi, 58, 71, 15 Oidemia deglandi, 16
perspicillata, 16