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Western Mourning, 59, 135, 176 Dryobates pubescons homorus, 35 scalaris symplectus, 162 vlllosus monticola, 35, 136 villosus picoides, 17 villosus sitkensis, 17 Duck, Lesser Scaup, 59 Ruddy, 59 Scaup, 141 Dumetella carollnensis, 41 Dunlin, 83 Eagle, 'Bald, 49, 135 Golden, 34, 91, 162 Editorial notes and news, 26, 72, 104, 144, 171, 188 Elanus leucurus, 170, 185 Empidonax difficills difficills, 60, 169 griseus, 137 mlnimus, 163 trailli tratlll, 137 wrighti, 163 Ereunetes maurl, 32 Erismatura jamaicensis, 59 Esterly, C. O., how does the shrike carry its prey? 25 Euphagus carolinus, 173 cyanocephalus, 36, 60, 137 Falco mexicanus, 135, 162 peregrinus ariaturn, 16 peregrinus pealei, 16 sparverlus phalaena, 34, 135 sparverius sparverius, 59 Falcon, Peale, 16 Prairie, 135, 162 Finch, California Purple, 46, 52, 60, 99 Cassin Purple, 39, 138 Hepburn Rosy, 175 House, 138, 166 Flicker, 36 Red-shafted, 60, 98, 136, 158 Flycatcher, Ash-throated, 136, 158 Gray, 133, 137 'Least, 163 Olive-sided, 9, 36, 46, 58, 60, 101, 170 Traill, 137

Vermilion, 25, 102 

Western, 52, 60, 97, 169 Wright, 163 Forbush, Edward Howe, review of his re- cent publications, 145 Fulica americana, 32, 59, 65, 85, 134 Fulmars, 9 Gadwall, 156, 157, 158 Galllnago dellcata, 32, 134 Galllnula galeata, 23 Galllnule, Florida, 22 Purple, 54 Gayla immer, 30 pacifica, 15 stellata, 15 Geococcyx californianus, 23, 160, 162 Geothlypls beldingi, 182 beldingi goldmani, 183 trichas occidentalis, 139 trichas sinuosa, 61 Gifford, H., a communication, 73 Glaucidium gnoma gnoma, 35 Gnatcatcher, Black-tailed, 156 Godwit, Marbled, 156 Golden-eye, 126 Goldfinch, Arkansas, 163 Green-backed, 60, 158 Lawrence, 60 Pale, 138 Western, 39 Willow, 60, 96 Goose, Canada, 134 Hutchins, 126 Tule, 105, 106 Whlteheeked, 16 White-fronted, 105 Goshawk, Eastern, 70, 127, 185 Western, 70, 103, 127 Grebe, Eared, 57 Holboell, 15 Horned, 15, 30 Pied-billed, 24, 58, 138, 158 Western, 24, 56, 133 Grey, Henry, vermilion flycatcher at San Diego, California, 102; zone-tailed hawk at San Diego, California, 103 Grinnell, H. W., review of L. S. Crandall's "pets, their history and care", 146 Grinnell, Joseph, the sub-species of Hes- periphona vespertina, 17; a diagram for illustrating the seasonal shifting of the bird calendar, 68; an invasion of California by the eastern goshawk, 70; review of "second annual report of bird counts in the United States", 73; review of A. C. Shelton's "a dis- tributional list of the land birds of west central Oregon", 174 Grinnell, J., and 8torer, T. I., a new race of fox sparrow from the vicinity of Mono lake, California, 165 Grosbeak, Alaska Pine, 175 Black-headed, 41, 52, 98 British Columbia Evening, 20 California Black-headed, 158 California Evening, 20 Eastern Evening, 19 Evening, 17

Mexican Evening, 20

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