Vol. XIX INDEX TO 'VOLUME XIX A Acanthis linaria linaria, 129 Accipiter cooperi, 34, 135, 173 velox, 16, 32, 135 Actiris macularia, 16, 32, 134 Aechmophorus occidentalis, 133 Aegialitis semipalmata, 25 Aepyornis maximus, 171 Aeronautes melanoleucus, 3, 163, 169 Agelaius phoeniceus californicus, 60 phoeniceus fortis, 39 phoeniceus neutralis, 137 Aimophila ruficeps ruficeps, 130 ruficeps scotti, 163 Albatross, Black-looted, 167 Allen, Amelia S., western robin and Sierra junco nesting in Alameda County, Cal- ifornia, 185 Aluco pratincola, 59 Ammodramus savannarum bimaculatus, 24 Amphispiza belli, 186 nevadensis nevadensis, 39, 138, 142 Anas platyrhynchos, 30, 59, 133, 141, 143 Anthus rubescens, 139 Aphelocoma californica californica, 25, 60, 94, 95 californica cyanotis, 95 californica grisea, 95 californica hypoleuca, 95 californica immanis, 94, 95 californica obscura, 95 californica sumichrasti, 95 californica rexaria, 95 californica woodhouseii, 95 cyanea, 95 cyanotis, 94 floridana, 95 grisea, 94 hypoleuca, 94 insularis, 95 sumichrasti, 94 rexaria, 94, 163 woodhouseii, 94, 163 Aphriza virgata, 101 Apteryx, 89 Aquila chrysaetos, 34, 162 Archibuteo lagopus sancti-johannis, 135 Ardea herodias herodias, 32, 134 Arenaria melanocephala, 16 Arquatella maritima couesi, 16 Asio fiammeus, 35, 136 wilsonJanus, 34, 135, 142 Astragalinus lawrencei, 60 psaltria hesperophilus, 60 psaltria mexicanus, 163 psaltria psaltria, 163 tristis pallidus, 39, 138 tristis salicamans, 60 Astur atricapillus atricapillus, 70, 127, 185 atricapillus striatulus, 70, 103, 127 Asyndesmus lewisi, 136 Auklet, Cassin, 58 Avocet, American, 32, 101, 134, 156 Baeolophus atricristatus atricristatus, 164 inornatus inornatus, 61 Bailey, Florence Merriam, birds of the hu- mid coast, I, fishermen, 8; II, visit from a sooty grouse, 11; III, the cen- ter of a compressed nesting area, 46; IV, up the old wood road, 51; V, by the sign of the spruce stub, 53; VI, in the bracken, 95; VII, the band-tails, 98; VIII, a voice from the heights, 101; red letter days in' southern Cali.. forna, 155 Baldpate, 30, 85, 142 Bartramia longicauda, 162 Bittern, American, 57, 134 Least, 186 Blackbird, Bicolored', 60 Brewer, 37, 39, 60, 62, 133, 137 Rusty, 173 San Diego Red-wing, 156 Yellow-headed, 37, 137, 156, 176 Bl. uebird, Mountain, 43, 140, 152 San Pedro, 169 Western, 53, 57, 133, 140 Bob-white, 128 Bombycilla cedrorum, 41 garrula, 103, 128, 141 Bonasa umbellus sabini, 168 umbellus togata, 32 Botaurus lentiginosus, 134 Bowles, J. H., the Baird sandpiper in the state of Washington, 25; the arctic horned owl in the state of Washing- ton, 70; the winter migration of 1916- 1917 in the north-west, 125; two new records for the state oi Washington, 187 Bradbury, W. C., notes on the black-crowned night heron near Denver, 142; notes on the nesting of the Clarke nut- cracker in Colorado, 149 Branta canadensis canadensis, 134 canadensis occidentalis, 16 Bryant, H. C., stomach contents of an Ore- gon ruffed grouse, 168; review of C. A. Wood's "the fundus oculi of birds especially as viewed by the ophthal-
moscope," 174