Nov., 1917
MINUTE4 OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS Mr. Kibbe, Mrs. Rusk, Mrs. Walker, Mr. Meade and Mr. and Mrs. Smythe. The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved, and Miss Edna Billings was elected to membership. Three propos- als for membership were Augustus S. Kibbe, 1534 Grove St., Berkeley, Cal., proposed by H. S. Swarth; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smythe, Fernwald, head of Dwight Way, Berkeley, proposed by Miss Susan B. Culver. Posters sent out by the Audubon Associ- ation were exhibited by Mr. Grinnell. Va- rious vacation experiences were then relat- ed. Mr. Kibbe gave a report of the trip taken by the Pacific Association of Audubon Societies to the Farallon Islands. This was followed by a discussion of possible ways of protecting migrating birds as they fly about lighthouses. Dr. Evermann and Mr. Carri- ger spoke of the changed conditions at the Farallons in recent years. Miss Wythe gave an account of birds observed during a camp- ing trip in Plumas County, and Mr. Squire; reported interesting finds in Marin County during the nesting season. Adjourned.-- AMELIA S. ALLEN, Secretary. SErTE.qm,m.--The regular meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornitholog- ical Club was held at the Museum of Verte- brate Zoology, Berkeley, on Thursday eve- ning, September 20, at eight o'clock. Dr. Evermann was in the chair, and the follow- ing members were present: Messrs. Bryar, Carriger, Davis, Evermann, Kibbe, Smythe, Swarth, Wheeler, Wiley and Wright; Mesdames Allen, Culver, Ferguson, GranL, Grinnell, Kibbe, Kluegel, Lueddemann, Meade, Schlesinger, Swarth and Wythe. The visitors present were Messrs. Mart.ens, Meade, Schlesinger and Smith; Mesdames Evermann, Ferguson, Griffith, Leggert and Wheeler. The minutes of the August meeting of the Northern Division were read and approved. The July minutes of the Southern Division were then read, after which, on motion of Dr. Bryant, Mr. Augustus S. Kibbe and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smythe were elected to membership. Mr. Carl Lien, Destruction Island, Astoria, Oregon, was proposed for membership by Wharton Huber of the Southern Division. The vacancy on the executive committee of the California Associated Societies for the Conservation of Wild Life, caused. by the resignation of Tracy L Storer, was filled by the election of Rev. W. A. Squires to that position. Business having been disposed of, the Club listened to Mr. Swarth's interesting de- scription of the "Apache Trail" in central Arizona, illustrated by beautiful colored slides, which had been loaned for the occa- sion by the Southern Pacific Railroad. Ad- journed.-AMELIA S. ALLEN, Secretary. SOUTHERN DIVISION AuausT.--Regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division, Cooper Ornithological Club, was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art, August 30, 1917. Vice- President Law officiated, with the following members present: Messrs. Colburn, Cook- man, Daggett, Hannaford, Holland, Little, Nokes, Reis, Rich, Shepardson, Wyman: Mrs. Law and Miss Germain. Miss Crew and Mr. Stormont were visitors. Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. An electing ballot was cast for Carl Lien, Astoria, Oregon. New names presented were: Capt. P. H. Gosse, R. A.M. C., no. 10, C. C. S., 2nd Army, Br. Expedi- tionary Force, France (permanent address, Saville Club, London), proposed by Capt. Allan Brooks; and Frank A. Leach, 217 Hill- side Ave., Piedmont, Calif., by W. Lee Cham- bers. There being no other business matters for consideration, the members listened to an account, by Mr. Cookman, of an expedition to the Coronados Islands, in which' he and two others participated. Several trays of skins of Gallinaceous birds were then inspect- ed and discussed. Adjourned.--L. E. WY- MAN, Secretary. SErTEMgICg.--Regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division, Cooper Ornithological Club, was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art, September 27, 1917. Mem- bers present were: Messrs. Brown, Cox, Dag- gett, Fisher, Holland, Hannaford, Law, Lit- tle, Miller, Nokes, Reis, Willett and Wyman; Mrs. Law and Miss Little. Visitors were Mr. Harter and Mrs. Young. Minutes of the July meeting of the North- August meeting. Miss Little presented the name of Pauline Rodgers Young, Canille, Santa Cruz Co., Ariz., for membership. The members then listened to a most in- teresting talk by Dr. Fisher concerning the experiences of the Death Valley Expedition, of which he was a member, as were also Dr. C. H. Merriam, Mr. Vernon Bailey, and the late General Funston. Dr. Fisher retraced the route of the expedition and related in de- tail many of the incidents that gave it im- portance biologically, and others that added the element of human interest. Adjourned.
L. E. WY^, Secretary.