range, are, as would be expected, most extreme in their characters. Two males and two females from Comondu, some distance south of San Ignacio, are inter- mediate between Geothlypis beldingi goldmani and Geothlypis bldingi beldingq, the females being more like the latter than are the males, which are but slightly different from Geothlypis beldingi goldmani. As a whole the Comondu birds are certainly referable to the northern race. The species has apparently not been found between Comondu and La Paz, Lower California, but Geothlypis beldi,ngi beldingi probably ranges northward at least two-thirds of the way to Comondu. The type of Geothlypis belding is an adult male without date, taken at San Jos del Cabo, in the Cape San Lucas region of Lower California. It is very richly colored above and below, and is similar to most of the series of the southern race examined; hence this name must apply to the Cape San Lucas form. There is some individual variation in Geothlypis beldingi goldmani in the extent of the yellow on the lower parts; also of that on the crown: in two adult males there is no yellow to speak of on the crown behind the black mask; and these specimens, with their pale grayish or whitish crown bands, look very much like some forms of Geothlypis trichas, though their large size, more richly yellowish upper parts, and greater amount of concealed yellow on the occiput and on the whitish post-ocular region separate them at sight from all the forms of Geothlypis trichas. The present new subspecies seems to be chiefly resident, inhabiting a re- stricted area in Lower California, as the only evidenc of its occurrence in the Cape San Lucas region is an apparently immature female (No. 89807, U.S. Nat. 5[us.), taken at San Jos del Cabo by Mr. L. Belding on January 21, 1883. Detailed measurements, in millimeters, of the adult specimens examined in the present connection are given below. 1Geothlypisbeldingi Ridgway, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v, September 11, 1882, p. 344. MEASUREMENTS IN MILLIMEYERS OF SPECIMENS OF Geolhlypis beldingi goldmani COLLECTED BY E. W. NELSON AND E. A. GOLDMAN U.S. Nat. Sex Locality MUS. No. 1960261 San Ignacio, Low- er California 196028 .... 196027 196030 CS .... 196031 CS .... 196032 CS Comondu, Lower California. 196034 CS .... 196029 9 San Ignacio, Low- er California 196033 9 Comondu, Lower California 196035 9 .... Date (1905) Wing Tail Oct. 7 64.0 65.5 " 61.5 64.0 " 63.5 65.0 Oct. 8 65.5 68.0 " 63.5 66.0 Nov. 8 65.0 70.0 Exoosed Tarsus Middle toe culmen without claw 14.0 25.0 16.0 12.5 23.5 15.5 13.5 24.8 15.3 13.3 23.0 15.7 14.3 23.5 15.0 13.0 25.0 17.0 Nov. 9 62.0 64.0 13.5 23.8 16.0 Oct. 7 59.5 60.0 13.2 23.0 15.2 Nov. 8 63.5 65.5 13.0 21.5 14.0 Nov. 9 59.0 61.0 Washington, D. 13.5 22.3 14.0
C., Sept. 8, z9 7.