Notes on the Nesting Habits of the Clarke Nutcracker in Colorado (with
four photos) ................................................................................ W. C. Bradbur 149 tied Letter Days in Southern California ...................... Florence Merriam Bailey 155 Botta's Visit to California ....................................................................... T. . Palmer 159 Some Birds of the Davis Mountains, Texas ............................ Austin Paul -mith 161 A New Race of Fox Sparrow, from the Vicinity of Mono Lake, California (with four draxvings) ......................... Joseph Grinnell and Tracy I. tore?' 165 FROM FIELD AND STUDY The Oldest American Ornithologist .......................................... T. 9. Paltrier 166 A Portable Nest ................................................................ Ernest C. Mailliard 166 The Black-footod Albatross off the Coast of Washington..E.A. Kitchin 167 Nesting of the Wilson Phalarope near Fresno, California ........................ ' .............................................................................................. John G. Tyler 167 Stomach Contents of an Oregon Ruffed Grouse ........ Harold C. Bryant 168 An Early Experiment in Keeping Hummingbirds in Captivity ................ ............................................................................................. T. 9. Palmer 168 Notes from the Southern Sierras ...................................... D. 1. Shepardson 168 Nesting of the California Brown Towhee in San Francisco ...................... .................................................................................. GeOrge W. Schussler 170 Some Further Notes on San Francisco County Birds ........ Milton [g. Ray 170 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ................................. _'. ............................................. 171 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ...................................................................................... 172 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS .............................................................. 175 lntered as second-class matter February. 1908. at the post-office at Ios Angeles (Hollywood SLtlon). California, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued from the Office of TH CONDOg, First Iqatlonal Bank Building. Hollywood. California MEETINGS OF THE G00PER 0RNITHOLOGIC, AL CLUB SOUTHERN DIVISION: At the Museum of History, Science, and Art, Exposition Park, Los Angeles. Time of meeting, 8 r. M., the last Thurs- day of ever)' month; or on the Tuesday evening preceding, when the last Thursday falls on a holiday. Take south-bound car from town; on Spring Street, the car marked "University", on Hill Street the car marked"Ver- mont and Georgia". Get off at Vermont Avenue and Thirty-ninth Street. Walk two blocks east to Exposition Park. The Museum is the building with the large dome. NORTHZnN DrVISION: At the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Uni- versity of California, Berkeley. Time of meeting, 8 r. M., the third Thursday of every month. Take any train or car to University Campus. The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology is a large corrugated iron building situated on the south side of the campus immediately north of the foot-
ball bleachers.