For [gale, Exchange and Want Colum.n.--Any Cooper Club member la entitled to one
advertising notice in each issue free. Notices of over ten lines will be charged for at the rate of ten cents per line. For this department, address W. I. CHrBES, lagle Rock, Los Angeles County, Calilornia. FoR SAL--N. A. Fauna no. 3; Land and Sea Mammals of Middle America and the West Indies, Elliot (parts 1 and 2); Collec- tion of Mammals, Wheeler Survey, Coues and Yarrow. Make me an offer.--W. L. BUR- NETT, tate Agricultural College, Fort Col- lins, Colo. WHO CAN Supply me with choice sets of the following sparrows? A. O. U. nos. 542, 542b, 544a, 546a, 546b, 554a, 559, 563a, 565, 566, 567e, 568, 570a, 574a, 576, 579, 580a, 580b, 582, 585, 585b, 585c. Also, 597a, 610a, 621, 625, 629a, 629c, 630, 632c, 634 and many oth- ers. Desirable exchange offere&--A. E. PRICE, Grant Park, Illinois. FoR SEE--Vols. 10, 11, and 12, Journal of Maine Ornithological Society; American Or- nithology, 1903, 1904, 1905, and 1906; Guide to Nature, vols. 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Also many excellent Devonian fossils.--Los S. KOH- LER, 98 Watseasing Ave., Bloomlield, 17. J. FoR EXCHANaE---C011ection of old and rare French letters and pardhments dated from 1427 to 1800, two signed by Louis XV;. one 5 foot alligator, mounted; collection of 7550 specimens (2098 species) of marine and freshwater shells; collection of 225 moths and butterflies; collection of 1500 beetles (Coleoptera); collection of 300 mineral spe- cimens; collection of 392 fossils; collection of corals; collection of curios. Will exchange for mounted birds, bird skins, sets of eggs, Indian relics, stamps or books. Send list of what you have to offer and I will make you a proposition.--H. F. DuPRrY, R. F. D. 1, Box 78 C, )ixon, Calil. FoR SALE--Eighty copies of The Auk: vols. 7 to 30 (vols. 17 to 30 complete), for $25; 88 copies of Bird-Lore: vol. 4, no. 3, to vol. 18, no. 6, with all indexes for $22.50.-- LAURE TREVrPER, 136 . Dewe t., Phila- deyhia, Pa. FoR EXCHAaEe Auk, vols. 24 tO 33; Condor, vols. 10 to 18, both complete. Want North American Faunas, Natiol Museum publitions on Bird, Mammals, Reptiles and Battach,ns, and bird skins.--L. E. WYmAn, Museum o Htor, cience and Art, Los Angeles, Cal. EXCHACE SI wish to exchange sets and bird skins from this lolity or specimens not in my collection. rrespond withWHT M. CE, B 33, Cla moat, CaliL XVANTED.To buy first-class scientific study-skins of the English Sparrow (Pas- ser domesticus and its subspecies) from vaous points roughout its range, both in the Old World and in North Americ Sp cimens must be correctly aged and sexed. Send sample of "make" to the undersigned, togeer with statement of price and quan- tity furnishable.--J. GRINNELL, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. University o Caligula, Berkeley. California. AVIFAUNA No. 12 Birds of the Islands off the Coast of Southern California By ALFRED BRAZIER HOWELL 127 pages; published June 30, 1917 A detailed review of the ornithology of the California islands: 195 species are treated; complete synonymies of each are given; contains tables of species by islands, a hypothetical list of 13 species, ,n exhaustive bibliography, and discussion of problems presented by the island avifauna. This is an important contribution that no active ornitholo- gist can do without. Members of the Cooper Club may take the regular Club discount (50%). Price, prepaid, $1.SO W. CHAMBIRS, Business Manager
lagle Rock, Los Angeles County, California